P. 271

October 1951

                    My dear friends,

                           Each month passes with greater results and each month more and more
                    letters are flowing in with thanks for help received and many more requests
                    for help which is always given  without reserve.
                           Here are just a few extracts from the many letters received:

                           “I want to take this opportunity of expressing my sincere thanks for the
                    Monthly Letters. I assure you they are most comforting and have helped my
                    husband and myself immensely in tiding over difficulties and problems, and

                    every new letter received puts new faith and courage into us, I find it difficult to
                    express my gratitude adequately and do not know what I would do without
                    them.“ R.T. Queenstown.

                           “I cannot express my gratitude in words and money could not buy the
                    peace and relaxation I am enjoying now.” C.R.V. England.
                           “Thank you very much for your help and guidance and for the comfort

                    and happiness which your monthly letters bring to me. They have been an
                    invaluable aid to me and I have learnt the secret of love which Christ revealed
                    to those in need of the Light. My words cannot express my deep gratitude.”
                    C.E.B. Togoland.

                           “Both my husband and self wish to express very deeply our heartfelt
                    gratitude and thanks to you and the Sanctuary for your greatly needed Spiritual
                    help during those long months for both of us, when the ‘Light seemed to have

                    failed.’ I would like you to know that words written by you to my husband
                    during that period gave him continual renewed faith and confidence that all
                    would he well. My recovery to many was a miracle.”  G. C. New Zealand.

                                           IS LIVE IN THE PRESENT*

                           The present is the only time there is. I have so often spoken to you about
                    this but I know that the great significance of this Truth has not fully dawned
                    upon you.

                           If you are troubled with the past or if you have fears for the future you
                    can never be 100% in the present, which is the only time there is. Action can
                    only be done in the present and action is all that counts. Pure action is living in

                    the present.

                    * See Notes page 274                   270
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