P. 274


                           Individual existence is imperfection, and this individual existence is
                    worn down through understanding and constant adjustment. That is why it
                    is so necessary to put off all theories.

                           If you are caught up in the rights and wrongs, if your mind is engaged
                    in things external to the self, you will never know reality. But if you are only
                    concerned with the present you will express that which is perfect, for Life
                    knows no wrongs or rights, no birth or death, no distinction or separation,

                    no past or future. IT IS that which Is and I am that. This is why living in the
                    present is the secret of success and happiness. You will readily see that this
                    cannot be reached through theories, cults, creeds, for they are the epitome

                    of separation themselves.
                           So it matters little to you now what appears external to you when the
                    present is realized, because this present is in everything, and what is always

                    present is that which is eternal and the cause behind all manifestation, with this
                    understanding, doubt, worry, fear disappear.
                           The material world is the revelation of the Creative Power, both grow

                    out of the same source. Visible things are the representation of things invisible
                    so both come from the same source. When you understand this you will understand
                    the conditions that surround you, and you will no longer be afraid of them.
                           To realize the great Creative Law that is Ever-present and by conscious

                    use of this Law, you can operate upon the Universal substance in co-operation
                    with the Creator of all things. This reveals a far greater power than any
                    material possessions external to the self can give.

                           When the material world appears to the onlooker as the reflection of
                    the Spiritual world where the idea becomes materialized, the material takes on
                    a greater significance. Where at one time material conveyed only a substance
                    composed of atoms it now is seen as an intelligence in expression, an

                    Intelligence that is Ever-present and responds in exact proportion in the lives of
                    those who live in the present with the mind free from past or future.
                           This is pure action, an action that is the result of the release of the

                    Absolute Life expressing itself in man.
                           Then man will see that he is one with the Creator and with the same
                    process he brings forth into his life and circumstances conditions and things that

                    he desires. But if he fails to understand these things he will eventually create a
                    series of causes and effects and will be caught up in the illusion of his own
                    separateness and limitation until he finds the Truth or the Ever-present,

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