P. 269


                           Truth must not only be established in the mind, but a knowing in the
                    heart must be established so that it becomes habitual in your everyday life.
                           Idols and images are but concepts in the mind, but Truth is not a concept.

                    Moses tells us that we must not carve any idols in the shape of anything in
                    heaven above or on the earth below or in the sea, “ye shall not bow down
                    to them or worship them.”
                           Exodus 20, verse l, states, “God spoke these words ‘I am the Eternal,

                    your God. You shall have no Gods but me.’” Moses knew that there was the
                    only “One” which was the Creator of all and that any other God was a false God
                    created in the mind of ignorant man. And any image or idol was a forgery.

                           Truth is all-inclusive. If there is not an all-inclusiveness then there is
                    no Truth. When you find out that anything less is un-intelligent, thoughtless
                    and stupid you will realize for yourself the Truth.

                           It is for you to discern that your beliefs have been based upon illusion.
                    This is not so easy for the one who is influenced by beliefs based upon separation.
                    But it is essentially simple for the one who has put aside ideas of attachment to

                    any belief. In this way only can you come to the core of the Truth of that which
                    is immortal in yourself and others.
                           You must first become a human being recognising the all-inclusiveness
                    of all human beings, knowing that Truth is not divided in humanity but is

                    expressing Itself as a Whole in humanity and is never in opposition to Itself.
                    Unless you realize this you will never be able to give to the world the best
                    that is in you.

                           It is not what I say or what any other person says. You must arrive at
                    the Truth through your own discernment of what is utterly false. Neither can
                    you compare what I have said with that which someone else has said or what
                    you think you know, nor must you accept what I say because it coincides with

                    your beliefs. If you do this you are not thinking intelligently. It is the core
                    of Truth you must find and this can only be done by yourself through your
                    own discernment and realization so that you may become “aware.”

                           You must have no prejudices for this blinds you and leads you away
                    from Truth. Opinions are of no value either, for you will note that this is not
                    Truth. Truth is “knowing,” awareness, freedom.

                           Truth means the actual realization of the Presence, “The Truth,” an
                    “awareness,” that comes through discerning that which is not “Truth” and
                    which is a hindrance to the expression of the Truth in the individual.

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