P. 267


                           We find that love is more unselfish when it embraces those who are
                    risen. The disciples loved the Master more when he had risen than they
                    did while he was with them in the flesh.

                           While he was present in the flesh, Peter denied him, but when he
                    returned to the Father, Peter would die for him.
                           This is all so true, but one must first go through the experience to
                    understand it. When the realization comes that death has no power over the one

                    that is risen there is a feeling that is blessed with the Love of God. This can only
                    be understood when one has come to the realization that everyone must pass
                    the same way.

                           The great “Truth” changes the nature of our feelings towards others
                    but this “Truth” is here now, and when we begin to realize it, we find that our
                    feeling towards others changes here and now. This means our freedom from

                    the results of our own actions towards others.
                           Wisdom and Love are our only true guides and when we realize this
                    Truth we see that there is no room in our lives for that which hinders our true

                    expression. For when we discern that which hinders our true expression “we
                    are washed by the word” which is spoken of in Ephesians 5: 26, this means the
                           The Divine Spirit Itself does the cleansing. Thus we receive our daily

                    washing as we put away from us that sense of separation from the Divine. For
                    it is only by the retention of this separation does guilt remain in the heart.
                           This is why Jesus bathed the feet of his disciples. You will remember the

                    story when Peter refused to allow the master to bathe his feet saying that he
                    was unworthy of such an act, that the Master should lower himself to bathe his
                    disciples feet, but Jesus made it plain that later they would understand the
                    true meaning.

                           A wonderful light is thrown on this dramatic incident of the Master
                    in Luke l2: 35-37, “keep your loins girt and your lamps lit, and be like men
                    who are expecting their lord and master on his return from a marriage-banquet,

                    so as to open the door for him at once, when he comes and knocks. Blessed are
                    those servants whom the lord and master finds awake when he comes! I tell
                    you truly, he will gird himself, make them recline at table, and come forward to

                    wait on them.”
                           When we are found prepared, the Lord will gird Himself and serve
                    us. This means that God grants our requests immediately we realize our

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