P. 273


                           Any great thing that was ever done by man was done when the mind
                    was concentrated in the present with no other thought or interruption of any kind.
                    This is the Infinite Self giving expression to Itself through the individual—the

                    vehicle of expression.
                           You cannot separate a part from the whole, separation exists only in
                    your individual consciousness, and this is the illusion that causes frustration.
                    For if you feel yourself to be only a part seeking to become one with Life, the

                    Life that is behind all invisible and visible manifestation, if you feel this Life is
                    external to the self then there can never be a cessation of this continuous
                    struggle that you are engaged in.

                           Most people are trying to picture what God is like, then He becomes an
                    image in the mind. When this is so, there is limitation, living in the past and future,
                    living in a mind that is crowded out with events and sorrow, pain, hates,

                    jealousies, frustration.
                           When you get a glimpse of this Infinite Life, this Life in which there is
                    no separation, no sorrow, no pain, no past, no future, no birth, no death, when

                    you can realize this presence of the Omnipresence, then there is spontaneous
                    action. You wear away the wall of separation that is in your own consciousness.
                           When there is complete realization of the ever-present there is no longer
                    any craving, for you are everything, you are creation and the scar of individuality that

                    was in the consciousness will have vanished. It is this scar of individuality that is in
                    the consciousness that is the cause of all struggle, the cause of all craving, the cause
                    of this separate existence, the cause of fear for the future, fear of memories

                    of the past.
                           The only experience that is retained is that which is pleasing to the Infinite, all
                    else dissolves away. There cannot be perfect action in the present when there is
                    a sense of separation. This, all must learn, for it is the way to perfect happiness

                    and success.
                           Perfect action, or pure action I often call it, is the result of the consciousness
                    realizing its oneness with the Whole, understanding all external to it, the past or

                    future, so that it becomes aware of the external as the effect and not the cause.
                    The cause is the creativeness within and this creativeness is not separate from
                    that within the individual.

                           This is often difficult for the students to grasp at first because most of
                    their reactions are made from the external world, not knowing what it is.

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