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Character can be modified, changed, made harmonious, but character is
not Reality. We must go beyond thought and then comprehend the Timeless.
When we think of progress we are thinking and feeling within the
pattern of time. It is only when our thought and feeling frees itself from time
can we hope to become aware of the Timeless—the Word that was with God,
the Word that was God and was made flesh. “God makes things by becoming
the things He makes.” Therefore only the Timeless can free us from those
conditions which we have created in ignorance of our true nature.
Therefore we must not depend upon time but through self-knowledge
we will become aware of the Timeless which is harmony, which is Peace,
which is Love and Compassion.
How few of us can understand the great significance of the Eternal that
is within all—the Eternal, the Timeless which Jesus knew, and which we must
also know, for it was for this that He came. “It is the Father who ever remains
within us, He does the work.” Jesus told us in very plain language that it was
the Father within that does the work, and that there was nothing impossible to
the one who understood this completely.
John 5: 25 and 26—Jesus says, “truly, I tell you, he who listens to
my words and believes him who sent me, has Eternal Life; he will incur
no sentence of judgment, he has already passed from death across to life.”
“For as the Father has Life in himself so too he has granted the son to have
Life in himself.” The great Truth is that the Life of the Father is in the Son.
This Timeless, the Everlasting Life, is in everyone who will realize It. This
is the Real Value upon which we must depend. The Silent Voice that is ever
waiting to come forth to perform miracles.
It is the Father who sent me sent you, into the world to witness unto
the Truth of the “Only One”—the Eternal, the Timeless, in which harmony
and peace eternally dwell.
We are all capable of recognizing and realizing the great spiritual
Principle of Life. To die in our ignorance of this is the great sin in the world. We
seek knowledge from past experiences and fail through lack of understanding
and faith to look to the Infinite for the unfoldment of our limitless possibilities,
so we employ our intelligence in denying that which would be a Spring of
Living Water rising up to Eternal Life and Freedom.
“Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which
endures unto Everlasting Life.”