P. 321
In our darkest hour we will see that Light for we will no longer seek
the darkness that has brought ruin into the human family through separation
and distrust, through the misery of mass murder, we will realize that It is the
same Life, the same Consciousness that makes us aware, the same birthless
and deathless Spirit unfolding the beauty of the human soul as well as the
beauty of the Universe in which we live and in which we can never be
separated from the Whole. My words are incapable of explaining this mighty
Truth yet the Truth can be found within ourselves when the noise of the
outer is quietened down.
The Infinite has revealed Himself in us and with this understanding
we can reveal the Infinite. Was it not this that Jesus showed when he said
in other words, “when you have seen me you have seen the Father and the
deeds you see me do are the deeds of the Father who ever remains within
me.” Could there be plainer words than these to reveal the Truth?
When we begin to think clearly we will see that the whole Universe
must be within the consciousness of the Infinite Supreme Architect and it must
be the same Consciousness that makes us living, thinking beings made in His
image and likeness.
Man has lost the power to think for himself, he accepts what the blind
say and they never saw because they were blind from the beginning being
caught up in differing creeds and beliefs which separate man from man
and man from God through ignorance. Although man cannot be separated
from God yet in his ignorance man has assumed this separation and what
man thinks so is he.
Oh, could I wing my way with the swiftness of a seraph (one of the
highest of angels with love as a cherubim and with knowledge) from sun
to sun and from world to world until I have surveyed all the systems visible
to the naked eye and at the same time gather within myself the glorious
landscapes and scenes of grandeur they exhibit, and could mingle with the
pure and exalted Intelligences who people these resplendent abodes and
behold the humble and ardent adoration of the Almighty,—their benign and
understanding deportment towards one another each esteeming the other
better than himself and all united in the bonds of the purest affection without
one haughty or discordant feeling, what indignation and astonishment would
seize me on my return to this obscure corner of Creation. Yet within myself
is this grandeur, the Consciousness of the Infinite Himself. To know this in