P. 316

JUNE 1952

                           The Ever-present Love and Wisdom is Ever-present, ever waiting to
                    give expression through those who realize It. It is simple, unaffected, just and
                    kind, always loving, always generous, always forgiving, never makes a vain

                    display and does not boast. It is not easily provoked and thinks no evil. It never
                    fails when put to the test, no matter in what situation. Its Power lies in the
                    fact that it is Ever-present and all-knowing. It knows no opposition and is
                    never antagonistic in any individual towards others. There is a calmness that

                    nothing can move because It is all in All, there is nothing outside It and all
                    is within It and It is within all.
                           It goes beyond the reason of man but It is not subject to the reason

                    of man. It is Reality Itself. It is perfect harmony and this harmony is within
                    all. Yet It cannot express this harmony until man has subdued the noise in
                    himself. It is the translation of this Ever-present Life in our daily living that

                    reveals what is in our hearts.
                           We may have an intelligent grasp of the Truth, but unless we translate
                    the Truth into our daily living we will be as ignorant as those who never heard

                    of It; we will be like the man who looked into the mirror and saw a reflection
                    of himself and immediately went away and forgot what he was like.
                           This likeness to our Creator is covered up with our possessions, our
                    cravings, our antagonism. We battle, we struggle with effects unaware of the

                    cause yet through understanding our suffering caused by our own misunder-
                    standing will come the wisdom that will guide us to freedom.
                           “I will give unto him that is athirst (aware) of the Fountain of the

                    Water of Life freely.” Rev. 21: 6.


                           O Eternal Ever-present Life and Love, my inspiration is Thine.
                           The vast expanse of Thy Eternal Presence cannot be measured by
                    human mind, yet my prayers will be the expression of Thy Presence, and Thy

                    Love and Wisdom my guide.
                           As I know myself so do I find I am one with Thee, O Eternal One.

                          MY PEACE AND MY LOVE REMAIN WITH YOU
                                                                              Yours very sincerely,
                                                                       Murdo MacDonald-Bayne.

                    *  Digest version of Lecture #7 (18th March 1952) in the book “The Word of Creation.”

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