P. 313


                           We all generalise Life by names such as Christ, Reality, Essence, Truth,
                    God etc. When we do so we set up in our minds different ideas of what we
                    think Life is, but you will readily see that Life is not an idea nor an image

                    in the mind. Life is our living, expressing Creativeness within, which is not
                    separate from the Livingness of the Eternal Christ.
                           Names give a relative characterization to Life and few have become
                    aware of this fact, therefore we will never find this Creativeness until we have

                    discerned this clearly. Names and ideas and our beliefs change from day to
                    day, but never this Eternal Living Creativeness which neither knows birth nor

                           When we become “aware” of ourselves as the Living Ever-present
                    Creative Life which alone has consciousness, there is a continual unfoldment
                    through which we continually make adjustments as we begin to understand

                    ourselves. We see how our thoughts and emotions arise, consequently we
                    begin to understand ourselves.
                           That which creates is that which is behind all creation including man and

                    has no beginning and no ending. All manifested substance, forms, composition,
                    all visible things are but the expression of this Interior Creativeness and is the
                    invisible Essence within that substance, form, composition and all visible
                    things. Just as electricity is the invisible power in the dynamo so is Life that

                    invisible power within us—that creativeness that has no beginning, no ending?
                           Yet to think about this, makes It relative—thereby we lose the awareness
                    of It. When we discern our own creations-thoughts-emotions-effects and

                    become aware of our own creativeness, then does the consciousness begin
                    to know Itself, not in the knowing of what It is, but of becoming “aware”
                    as the Creativeness behind all things, great and small.
                           There is “identification” not in the relative as an idea in mind but as

                    an anterior and interior “identification” that realizes and understands what
                    is behind all Creation and is the Creativeness within the self. Yet only when the
                    self has disappeared can the Completeness of this “Invisible Creativeness”

                    be realized.
                           Is it not so that we are caught up in our own creations, and are not
                    aware of the Creativeness, that “Invisible Force” that holds our creations in

                    substance, composition and form? When we are caught-up in the created then
                    we react to the created and our thought-feeling is built up from our mental
                    reactions to the external, so we are no longer “aware.” We become chaff that is

                    blown about by every wind that blows.

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