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and again bring about new chaos and misery. As a man thinketh in his heart
so is he, so is civilization, for he is civilization.
When we look around in the world today do we see any leader worthy
of being called a leader? Are they not all sectional or religious fanatics or
politically arrogant because they represent a section of the people and must
bow to their ignorance or lose their leadership in the conflict? Living in separation
we create strife and ill-will and antagonism that lead to misery for all.
The desire for conquest, for approbation, for power, for gain will be
sought as long as the self exists in separation. The cause of this outward mani-
festation of conflict is the result of the inner conflict of craving for ambition, for
approbation. The worship of conquest and success is always within the mind
that is ignorant of the wholeness of “Being:” craving is going away from
Reality not approaching Reality.
We must understand our relationship to others, we must understand
and know what our beliefs are. We must understand our desires, our cravings
and without compulsion from within or without, intelligently understand
ourselves, in this only lies the solution of our troubles.
It is not by mere control and introspection our understanding comes
but through becoming aware of our daily thoughts and actions; becoming
aware of our possessive love, our nationalistic ideas, our religious intolerance
and the desire for personal advancement and continuity in separation. When
we begin to understand these things there comes into being a comprehensive
understanding without superiority or inferiority.
Most of us are controlled by our environment, our external burdens,
our external values, our opinions. So we are kept in bondage. If the inner is
the result of our outer influences we will ever bring about discord and conflict
in ourselves and others and in the world, for we are the world.
No matter how orderly the outer is planned and however carefully
our social and economic conditions are arranged, if the inward conflict is
maintained these will be constantly disintegrated for the inner is ever over-
coming the outer and not until we understand ourselves and the ways of the
self can even a well-arranged social order be maintained. When we seek a
solution we will find that the self is the cause and the self alone can solve
the problems.
Through constant awareness of our thought and action we will free
ourselves from all that hinders the true expression of the Self that underlies
every other self. Then we will love completely without fear, without the