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                    this you can change your personality no matter what circumstances you are in.
                    But this is not the Truth I want you to see, the Truth I want you to see is yourself
                    free from conditioning understanding what your ideas, your beliefs, your

                    opinions, your actions and reactions are and how they come about. Then
                    you will find the Eternal and Ever-present Life.
                           This is the Divine Truth for everyone no matter how great or small,
                    remember the first shall be last and the last first. We use our intellect as a means

                    of getting by in this world of ours. But with Spiritual understanding we will have
                    more than just getting by, we will reach the highest degree of our possibilities,
                    and our capabilities will be shown in the outer manifestation of our lives.

                           We will look deep into things instead of accepting the outward sense
                    of things we will see that we cannot gather grapes from a thorn-bush nor
                    brambles from a thistle. We will come to the true and thorough understanding

                    of ourselves and the true value of Reality, then our purpose will be constructive
                    and in harmony with the Whole. We will become invincible and our results
                    will be abundant and permanent.

                           “I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall
                    not be able to gainsay nor resist.” Luke 2l: l5


                           I lost my “Father of all” in the wastelands of beliefs and I could not find
                    my home. Although I prayed and kept the door of my Soul open expecting

                    Thee to enter from without yet I did not find Thee.
                           My groping mind was filled with fear in a world created by man. At
                    last in the throes of despair I heard Thy Voice from  within. Then I rose out
                    of my darkness to find the Light that shone from the beginning of time. It

                    enveloped me in Thee who art my home for ever more and I am now no
                    longer afraid, Beloved One.

                             MY PEACE AND MY LOVE REMAIN WITH YOU

                                                                              Yours very sincerely,

                                                                      M. MacDONALD-BAYNE

                    *  Digest version of Lecture #2 ‘Behold God Giveth to Man that is Good in His sight Wisdom  &
                           Knowledge’ (12th February 1952) in the book “The Word of Creation.”

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