P. 312
June 1952
Dear friends,
Prayer is asking and is effective only when you understand what the
Master meant when he said, “when ye pray believe ye have received and ye
shall have.” This is the secret of healing, believe you have received and you
shall receive.
This month has been one in which hundreds of letters have been
received, relating wonderful results through the Sanctuary. Here are just a
few extracts:
“I am writing to tell you of the wonderful recovery of my wife, truly
a miracle after seven months of severe pain almost unbearable. When nothing
more could be done for her I was told of your wonderful work and I wired
you immediately. Your prompt reply by wire came at the same time the pain
disappeared and this pain has not returned, this was fourteen days ago. You can
imagine my rejoicing also when the doctor said the condition had disappeared,
truly a miracle.” G.G.
“I am grateful indeed for the help I have received from the sanctuary.
Your letters are full of the glorious truth. We have read many works but your
letters go to the very heart, truly a wonderful revelation. If the whole world.
knew what a wonderful place it would be.” D.L.
“Thanks for your prayer on my behalf. The trouble has passed and all is
now well. Thank you and God bless you. We pray that you may live long and
do more wonderful work.” S.J.
“Not long after I wrote to you for help for my mother her whole outlook
underwent a change, from a morbid attitude of mind she became positive
and happy with the result that her health improved. We can never thank you
and the Sanctuary enough for this wonderful change? N.D.
“Your monthly letters are very beautiful and inspiring they have helped
me a great deal in overcoming my problems and also understanding the
problems of others. God’s blessings upon your work.” G.M.
“If anyone thirst come to me and drink—out of his body
streams of Living Water will flow.” John 7: 37, 38.
* See Notes page 315 311