P. 310
MAY 1952
thought of the self. We must not identify ourselves with family or race or creed,
for as long as we are caught up in these there can be no true understanding
of the Real, therefore we must become aware, discerning the ways of the
self, so that we can free our thought from bondage of the unreal.
The Universe, including man, is Spiritual, harmonious and Eternal.
In this is “Being” therefore the likeness between God and man is the likeness
of the Creative Power inherent in God not as separate and distinct from man,
but as one and the same. When we realize this we will work in accordance
with the Divine Law of Love your neighbour as yourself.
When Jesus told the Scribes and Pharisees to look within themselves
and see that their thoughts and actions were not in accordance with the Truth of
the “One” they immediately proclaimed him against the Law. But he knew
what was in the inner was manifesting in the outer, so the blind lead the blind.
“The lest shall be first and the first shall be last” shows us the all-inclusiveness
of our Divine Nature when the illusions of separation disappears.
God is Spirit and all that He creates must be Spirit, this is the Truth
that sets us free. God is “One” and not a series of One. It is man who creates
this illusion in his own mind. Human theories are totally inadequate to interpret
the Divine Principle involved in the work and words of Jesus. He says with
no uncertain words, “I and the Father are one.” This is the leaven of Truth
ever at work and must eventually destroy the entire mass of error in the world
and so be eternally glorified in man’s Spiritual freedom.
Yes this is the leaven of the Spirit that changes man’s thought through
discerning that which is opposed to it. It is said that the flesh is opposed to
Spirit, this is not so, for is not the body the Temple of the Living God? It
follows as night the day that freedom from all conflict is man’s heritage.
As God is Omnipresent Love and is natural in man, then evil is
unnatural and is opposed to the nature of God. Thus evil arises in man’s
mind and he gives it a Reality it does not possess.
In discerning our thoughts we see they are continually changing from
sorrow to joy and joy to sorrow, from health to disease, from disease to health,
from success to failure from failure to success, from fear to hope and from faith
to fear. This shows man governed by his reactions to the physical senses. But
man’s “Being” being Divine Spirit, and it must be so, he cannot be controlled
by sin and death etc., except through his own volition, his own belief in them.
Your personality is the sum total of your thoughts, actions and reactions.
It is in fact a record of your thoughts and actions. If you become aware of