P. 315
When we find that our troubles are created by ourselves we will soon
find the solution within ourselves, certainly we will never find it external to
ourselves. The cause is never separate from the effect. The effect can only
be removed when the cause is revealed and the self is the cause. Unless we
begin to understand ourselves, our motives, our thoughts, our reactions, we will
never know the real cause, therefore we will continue to perpetuate the cause
and the effect, for man thinks good and evil by the same power.
It is this deep understanding that will enable us to move onward and
upward side by side with deep logical reasoning, which enables us to see
further than those who attribute their knowledge to the limited sphere of the
physical senses. When we become thoroughly “aware” we will have a guidance
that cannot be obtained by mere groping in the mind. We will never find the
secret of the Lotus-flower in the mud out of which it grows. For only by
understanding the Spiritual cause that forever remains invisible to the senses,
can this be comprehended through deep thoughtful contemplation.
Are we not told in St. John that we will never understand until we
comprehend the mighty Truth about ourselves, that we are not the blood
of man, nor the will of the flesh (because it has none), nor the will of man
but born of God? No man has ever seen God, but the Father is revealed in
the Son. It was this that Jesus revealed to us. The price he paid in revealing
this great Truth can never be appraised by the human mind. Only those
who understand can realize that the debt humanity owes him can never be
paid, except through following in his footsteps.
In plain words, the master stated to us that he was in the Father and
the Father was in him, and the things he did were done by the Father who ever
remained in him. It was the Father who was performing His own deeds. For
when you have seen me you have seen the Father. Your Father and my
Father, “Our” Father who art in heaven, and the Kingdom of Heaven is
within you.
Now this has nothing to do with ethics which blinds the consciousness
to the Truth of the Ever-present Life that is ever creative. I have said to you
before that if we live in the past or the future we will never know the Ever-
present Creative Life that is all in all. Ethics is eternally caught-up in the relative,
therefore Truth can never be revealed through ethics. Those whose minds are
caught-up in ethics can never know the warmth and joy that can be attained
through the awareness of the Ever-present Life and Love, waiting to express
Itself through the individual that is “aware.”