P. 318


                                  “And he had a name written on his vesture and on his

                                              thigh King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” Rev. 19: 16

                           As I have said before it is the invisible electricity that gives power to
                    the dynamo. Without this invisible power there can he no movement, no

                    power. It is the same with us, our bodies are like the dynamo, the invisible
                    Life is the power that makes it move. Not only does Life make it move but
                    created it for Its own self-expression. This is the Life that never dies. This

                    is the Life that is Eternal and which alone has consciousness.
                           It is Life that gives us self-consciousness. But when we are not aware
                    of this Truth we seek the expansion of the self. Do we not seek to expand the

                    self both Spiritually and materially for our own benefit only? So we exploit
                    and become the exploited.
                           The paramount longing in the human heart is the desire for things,

                    for Spiritual security, unaware of that which produces all things and which
                    is resident within us, so we develop a sense of inward poverty. To cover up
                    this inward poverty we surround ourselves with things, title and rank which we
                    find never fills the vacuum. Thereby we develop a sense of insecurity, both

                    spiritually and materially, so we try to buy a passport with as little as we can of
                    our worldly goods, to some unknown destination from those who claim to
                    know the way and have the sole right of admission. Thus, the exploiter

                    becomes the exploited.
                           Is it not so that we try to make ourselves secure at the expense of our
                    brothers and all we gain is sorrow and conflict? So we create the exploitation
                    by which we are exploited from every side. It is only when the truth of the

                    Ever-present Life which is the Creativeness within ourselves is realized, that
                    we begin to understand that the cause as well as the remedy is within ourselves

                           This Ever-present Life is beyond all personal allegiances, yet it is the
                    moving factor in the personal Life. When we come to see this clearly we will
                    abandon the illusion of self with its past and future. We will see how magnificent

                    we can become in the recognition of our oneness with this Ever-present Life
                    which unites us as one great family, not only on this earth but with all inhabitants
                    in the vast Cosmos.

                    *  See Notes page 321
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