P. 499
The atmosphere of a city is impregnated with the quality of the thoughts
of the people who live in it. The unwary are caught-up in it, therefore a
knowledge of the law of electromagnetic thought-waves is very essential
wherever you live.
But the intellect of man will yet be forced into avenues towards the
cause of things, and will no longer be caught-up in the effects of things. Just as
electricity and magnetism have been harnessed for the benefit of mankind
so will the scientific laws of mind and the creative power of thought and
sound be harnessed. They have an Eternal existence because they are the basic
principles upon which the Universe is built and are still the basic principles
on which Life exists. The Word that was in the beginning carries the essentials
of creation.
As science progresses and each new discovery of atomic energy is
followed up, including all that is found in the relative world, the cause will
be found within man himself. This is a profound statement, nevertheless
true, for science is pointing this way. Science will prove that the inner and
the outer are one and that there is no effect without cause. The study of the
Cosmic Ray will unfold the great Law of the Creative Power of thought.
When Science comes to acknowledge the existence of an invisible
Universe it will extend its investigation into the world of cause and the
study of the powerful properties of mental energies and thought-power.
Again I have to remind you that the Master Jesus was the greatest scientist
the world has ever known. Yet his discoveries have never been followed
up in a scientific way, although his sayings have been made the basis of
the greatest religion of our modern age.
Yet no religion or philosophy can ever endure unless its claims are
based upon a firm scientific basis of truth in the most practical way. The
results will no doubt be painful to many adherents and will shatter their
coveted delusions, nevertheless unless this is accomplished such a religion
or philosophy is doomed. The time is coming fast for this to be done,
Truth-Science and religion must walk hand in hand.
Therefore all philosophy or religion must follow the true path of
concentrating on the study of mankind and not merely be caught-up in ethics,
for ethics will never reveal that which is fundamental in man but only creates
duality of mind, and Reality can never be found in duality.
Only through the world of cause can effects be understood, and
only that which is within man himself can guide him to the world of cause.