P. 498


                           Although this Angelic Power is permanently active, there are times when
                    man can be more receptive. The most positive time of the day is l2 o’clock
                    noon, when the sun is at its meridian, and every three hours afterwards are

                    suitable times, such as 12 noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m., l2 midnight, 3 a.m.,
                    6 a.m., 9 a.m. and so round the clock daily. It is not necessary for you to
                    engage in all these times—the time most suitable to you for a few minutes
                    wherever you may be, is all that is necessary.

                           Anyone who would like the Particulars of how to tune in to the
                    Sanctuary need only ask and these will be sent by return post.*

                               LOVE AND WISDOM ARE THE FOUNDATION
                                               OF OUR SECURITY*

                                  “A new commandment I give unto you that ye love
                                    one another; as I have loved you that ye also love
                                    One another? John 13: 34.

                           We have become aware of the invisible power of man’s conscious
                    concentrated thought-waves, how they can be hurled with terrific force
                    into the ether to magnetize it and how this creative power can deeply affect

                    people and things. Now we come to the effect of man’s unconscious
                    thought, how it affects himself and others.
                           The same law applies,—according to the state of consciousness so

                    is the effect of man’s thought, the ignorant think unconsciously while the wise
                    think consciously. Again I must remind you that unconscious and conscious
                    reaction to people, things and conditions and the tone of your thinking make
                    up your magnetic aura which has great influence on those with whom you

                    come in contact. This we will call the unconscious radiation of our thought
                           There is a complex combination of thought currents which produce

                    the unconscious transmission of the magnetic influence. While one person
                    will attract and create harmony, another may create the reverse. While one will
                    unconsciously express healing and comfort, the other may unconsciously

                    do the opposite. The question is how is one to protect oneself against the
                    negative influence of a negative mind. The answer is, become aware of our
                    reaction to people and things. This simple statement carries with it great


                    *    See page 15                       497
                    ** See Notes page 501
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