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                    and this included the practical application of God’s Creative Power in man and
                    legends tell us of these wondrous works, done with this understanding.
                           These schools existed for many years before and after Jesus came,

                    they became extinct as dogmatic religion came into force and history tells
                    us how many of the books and records of these schools were burnt by order of
                    King Constantine. Nevertheless, the Truth still intact, was kept alive in the

                           To know this Truth, is the greatest treasure in the world; every soul
                    is trying to find it one way or another, either consciously or unconsciously;
                    Each one is trying to express the Creative Power but with little success because

                    the Law is not  understood.
                           What is keeping people ignorant of this wisdom today is that God is
                    presented to most children and adults as some person outside themselves

                    whom they have to worship in ignorance. God is represented as an old
                    man with a long white beard and flowing robes to hide his body. All those
                    stupid versions should have been relegated to the wastepaper basket long

                           Is it any wonder that we have sceptics, scoffers of spiritual truths in
                    our midst when we are asked to accept such rubbish or be damned to a
                    place called hell.

                           When we begin to know the Truth about God, man and the Universe
                    we see that they are not separated but are one whole. Therefore hell is an
                    imaginary place in man’s own mind.

                           But as there can be no place where God is not present, always we
                    see that these stupid statements are made by ignorant minds who have not
                    the ability to think, so perpetuate a lot of nonsense which the unthinking
                    accept as true, the blind lead the blind and they all fall into the ditch.

                           Heaven is a state of consciousness acquired through the understanding
                    of the oneness of all things. God, man and the Universe being one, the
                    Universe gives rise to the individual and the individual, that understands,

                    gives expression to the Universal. Heaven is a state of consciousness that
                    is aware of Wholeness, oneness, where separation does not exist, the unity
                    of God and man as one and the same.

                           It was this wisdom that the ancients knew and practised, it was the
                    same wisdom that Jesus gave expression to. This wisdom can also be yours
                    and there is not anything that can compare with it. It is more precious than

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