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                    and when freed from the bondage of the self a new world will arise
                    not in time, but now! Immediately! For “I and the Father are one.”
                           So let the Sons of God—the sons of men—greet each other this day

                    with joy and love because we are all filled with that Holy Presence, the
                    babe in swaddling clothes, for such as these make up the Kingdom of Heaven.
                    Unless we become as little children we shall not enter therein, only when
                    the self dies the Christ lives.

                           We will have found the Christ, the Holy Child—the symbol of the
                    Divine Perfection—dwelling in our hearts as our Divine nature is revealed
                    in our gifts of Love to one another. What greater joy could the world have

                    this day than the gift of Divine Love in the hearts of all who live on earth.
                           What greater joy can we have than when we can say the Christ liveth
                    in the hearts of all men this very day. We stand on the threshold of the New

                    Year with our hearts and minds filled with Love—the solvent for all problems
                    great and small. For this is the only way, and as Love enfolds us we are more
                    like Him who made us in His own likeness.

                           Therefore bless each day of the New Year with words of Love and
                    Peace to all men of every land. Comfort those who are not yet free. Bid
                    them look within to the Christ that liveth now, and gives healing to every
                    heart. Then your own life will be rich and free. “I will walk with Thee, my

                    joy shall never cease, my spirit uplifted for I know Thy holy peace.”
                           “I am the way, the truth and the Life.” John l4: 6.


                           O Divine Father, Thou lovest all Thy children and each is  my
                    brother and sister.

                           Teach me to love and serve as Thou dost love and serve all.
                           Then I will find my happiness in the joy that Thou hast in Thy Love,
                    Divine Father of Mine.

                             MY PEACE AND MY LOVE REMAIN WITH YOU

                                                                              Yours very sincerely,
                                                                       Murdo MacDonald-Bayne

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