P. 492
Now the failure with most people to accomplish this all-important
and essential thing is because they look to some power that is separate
from themselves, not realizing that the Creative Power is the Life Force
within, which has the power to direct the Intelligence, which is behind all
things in heaven and on earth.
Life alone having Consciousness is the consciousness in man. Life,
having Intelligence or knowing how, is released only when the Consciousness
in man becomes aware of the Truth that God, man and the Universe are
one and not separate.
The Law of Life is that full recognition must be given to It and It
alone as the creativeness in man; the self which is the hindrance to Life’s
full expression must be dealt with through understanding of the self and
how the self prevents the expression of Life by not living in the present.
Therefore by being conscious in the consciousness of Life Itself
continually in the present we can express Life with effect and accuracy in
any direction, provided we know this one Supreme Law of Life that God
man and the Universe are one now, not in some future time as some think,
for if you are not now you will never be.
Jesus said, “it is the Father who ever remaineth within me, He does
the work.” Now there is more to this than is seen on the surface. If we look
at the feats of the Master we see the conscious direction of a power that is
miraculous, yet it is not miraculous when we understand the Laws pertaining
to the expressing of the Life Jesus called the Father, for he lived in that Life
always in the present.
The Life Jesus called the Father was the Life that he was himself and
could not be an idea or a memory. He said “I am the Life, the Father and
I are one,” this could not be a product of mind but an actual consciousness
of Life Itself. Therefore God, man and the Universe are one and the same.
It was this that Jesus understood perfectly.
There existed in the East great sages thousands of years ago who
founded a school of wisdom known as the Wisdom of the Ancients. The great
sages of Persia, the Magi, were a branch of this school. At the same time
there was a branch in ancient Egypt known as the therapeutists of Ancient
These schools were founded by great sages and their work was secret
and sacred. They had contact with sages who had passed from the earth and
these sages revealed the truth, that God, Man and the Universe were one,