P. 491
January 1955
My dear friends,
All those members who have studied my new book “Beyond the
Himalayas” will now realize the importance of tuning in to the Sanctuary as
often as possible, whether help is needed for themselves or others. The more
people tune in to the Sanctuary the greater the electro-magnetic activity which
magnetizes the ether and the more ectoplasmic material there is for use by
the Spiritual Forces to help those who are in need. The grateful thanks of
the Sanctuary go out to those who are helping so greatly in this work and
may they be spurred on to greater efforts on behalf of suffering humanity.
Here are a few extracts from letters received during this month:-
“Your Monthly Letters are a wonderful help and inspiration to us.
More and more of our friends are getting to know about this Truth through
the change they see taking place in our own lives and the peace and harmony
that exists in our home now in contrast to the previous bickering, petty irrita-
tions and in-harmony. Many thanks and may God bless you and your grand
work.” Ceylon T.S.
“I lost my faith in orthodox religion a long time ago and have travelled
a long and weary road in search of Truth. First, your books and now your
Monthly Letters are filling the teachings of the Master with beauty, depth and
power. I sent in the name of a little girl who was threatened with blindness,
to the Sanctuary for aid and now much to the parents joy, she is making steady
progress. Wonderful is the work of the Sanctuary.” R.L. Switzerland.
“As soon as I received the doctor’s verdict that an immediate operation
was necessary I sent in my name to the Sanctuary and I was not afraid. I am
quite sure that the hands of the surgeons were guided. It was a wonderful
success and my rapid recovery has mystified them all. Thank you from the
bottom of my heart. God bless the work of the Sanctuary.” B.K. Cape.
The great latent desire in every soul is to give expression to that Infinite
Creative Power from within. This desire is often clouded with ignorance
because few know how to give expression to this mighty Power that is latent
within all.
* See Notes page 495 490