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Then he will find that the electro-magnetic wave is the secondary cause
behind all Creation which uses the boundless ocean of ether as the basis of
all phenomena, which respond to the powerful generator of thought. We
will then have a glimpse of the reason why, although the real why will
always be locked up in the Unknowable who is the first Cause of all things,
yet is all things.
The only ethics man will then know to be true is “Love” and
“Wisdom,” then man will be true to himself, consequently he cannot be
false to any man, for knowledge will show him the true path to freedom.
When thought, the greatest of all forces, is revealed the only effective
means for security will be love and Wisdom, otherwise the misuse of this
great power would destroy man himself.
The scientists of today are perturbed, unless a proper control of
atomic energy is devised man might destroy himself. So were the ancient
scientists, who were well acquainted with the science of thought which is
behind the atom, careful lest the uninitiated would gain the secret to this
vast power.
Therefore Love and Wisdom will be the fundamental ethics upon
which humanity has any hope of survival, and not merely words without
meaning. Only those who have seen behind the scenes can lead man to
freedom and ultimate good.
When you acquire a clear, logical and scientific understanding of the
power of thought it reveals to you the great secrets of existence. Jesus, knowing
this science, never condemned anyone but forgave even those who crucified
him. He was aware of the power of his thought which he demonstrated on
the fig tree that did not bear fruit. By his word he withdrew the life from the
tree. To use this law indiscriminately would do untold harm.
This knowledge transmitted to you thrusts upon you also a great
responsibility and you cannot afford to disregard these words of mine. No
individual can ever escape from the consequences of his own creation. As
you measure out to others so will it be measured out to you again.
It is extremely difficult to break the habit of past thinking formed by
years of ignorant unconscious reactions. Yes, truly we are born in the igno-
rance of past generations. But if you will discern your thoughts and your
reactions to things and people as I have taught you in the past, it will not be
difficult for you to check these thoughts which cause havoc in yourself and