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                    Johan van Deventer,   violations, and even settlements.   the award. When the award is    Simply put, a respondent is in     clarity on specific require-
                     KZN Regional     This contempt can lead to severe   certified by the Director of the   contempt where the respondent     ments and ensure that
                     Manager, LabourNet   legal consequences, including   CCMA, the Sheriff is tasked to   knows and understands the     employers follow all
                                      fines, imprisonment, and      execute in terms thereof. Section   terms of the order and what is     procedures correctly.
                           he         the inevitable damage to the   143(1) of the Labour Relations   required to be done to comply   ■   Mitigate Risks:
                           purpose    employer’s reputation.        Act states that if a party    with the order, but then without     Early advice can help
                     Tbehind           In the recent case           then fails to comply with an   any cause or justification     employers address potential
                      contempt        of Raubenheimer v Commission   arbitration award or the order of   deliberately does not comply.    issues before they escalate into
                       proceedings    For Conciliation Mediation and   the performance of an act, other                           contempt charges, safe-
                       is to secure   Arbitration and Others (J424/24)   than the payment of an amount    The Court went on to reaffirm     guarding both the company’s
                       compliance     [2024] ZALCJHB 340 handed     of money, any other party to the   in Raubenheimer that a review     reputation and its financial
                       with court     down on 21 August 2024,       award may enforce it by way of   application alone does not     standing.
                       orders.        the Labour Court found the    contempt proceedings instituted   suspend the enforcement   ■   Avoid Severe Penalties:
                       Contempt       company (and its directors)   in the Labour Court.          of an arbitration award and
        of court occurs when an       guilty of contempt of court for   The Court in Raubenheimer   without compliance to sections     Understanding the legal
                                                                                                                                  implications of labour
        individual or entity wilfully   their non-adherence to a CCMA   referenced Snyman AJ’s direction   145(7) and (8) an award     court rulings and responding
        disobeys or shows disrespect   award and ordered them to    in South African Municipal    remains enforceable.  It was in     appropriately can prevent
        to a court’s order, disrupting   effect the payment and actions   Workers Union and Others v   these circumstances that the
        the administration of         of the contested arbitration   Thaba Chweu Local Municipality   employers were found to be in     costly fines or even possible
                                                                                                                                  jail time for business
        justice. This played out quite   award, or failing to do so, that   and Another [2015] JOL 32840   contempt of court.     leaders. 
        famously in Secretary, Judicial   the directors of the company be   (LC) outlying what proof is   By seeking timely labour law
        Commission of Inquiry into    sentenced to a period of 30 days   required (beyond reasonable   advice, employers can:
        Allegations of State Capture v   imprisonment each.         doubt) to prove contempt:                                   For more information or assistance with
        Zuma and Others 2021 (5) SA                                                               ■   Ensure Compliance:        the above-mentioned topic, please feel free
        327 (CC) which made history    So, what leads to such an    (1)  there was a refusal to comply      Labour law professionals will    to contact us.
        in finding a former President   occurrence?                    with the Order;              help employers understand      T: +27 (0)31 266 6570
        of the Republic of South Africa   Where an employer has failed   (2)  this refusal was wilful      and fulfil their obligations    C: +27 (0)82 786 7480
        in contempt of court and      to comply with an award issued      (deliberate); and         under court orders, reducing    E:
        sentencing him to a period of   by the CCMA or a Bargaining   (3)  the deliberate refusal to      the risk of unintentional non-   W:
        incarceration. In labour law,   Council, the employee may      comply must be mala fide,      compliance.
        contempt of labour court refers   either approach the CCMA      in other words, there must be    ■   Navigate Complex Laws:
        to an employer’s failure to   or the Bargaining Council        a complete absence of any      Labour laws and court orders
        comply with court orders related   (whichever has jurisdiction)      kind of bona fide justification     can be intricate. Your Labour
        to employment disputes, labour   and apply for the certification of      for the refusal to comply.    Law consultant can provide


                   Sameer Kumandan,   director of SearchWorks, an   phishing attacks cost South   Survey, procurement fraud ranks   proactive stance against fraud
                    Managing Director,   innovative data platform that   Africans an estimated R200   among the top three economic   is vital if South Africa wants to
                     SearchWorks      allows users to conduct live,   million, a 50% increase from the   crimes globally, with gaps in fraud   improve its economic position.
                                      accurate searches on individuals   previous year.           detection systems leaving South   To achieve this, Kumandan says
                     S   ystemic      and companies and in-depth KYC   including SASSA and Home   vulnerable. Fraud involving public   it is necessary to strengthen
                                                                                                  African businesses particularly
                                                                     Fraud within public institutions,
                                                                                                                                good governance practices.
                                      checks online.
                                                                                                  institutions further complicates
                                                                                                                                “Having access to complete
                      vulnerabilities,   A Nation at Risk           Affairs, also highlight South   the picture. “Implementing   and accurate information on
                                                                    Africa’s vulnerability to fraud and
                                                                                                  appropriate checks and accurately
                       cybercrime      South Africa’s high fraud risk   cybercrime. Kumandan says the   verifying government suppliers   businesses and individuals, and
                       and social     reflects the country’s adoption   ongoing investigation into R370   and employees can help regulate   the ability to verify credentials
                        engineering   of digital technologies alongside   SRD grant fraud and the exposure   processes and streamline   enables better, more transparent
                         add to       clear gaps in combatting growing   of identity theft at Home Affairs                      decision-making, which in
                         pressures on   digital fraud. According to a   reveal underlying systemic issues   operations to deliver much-needed  turn can create greater trust
                                                                                                  critical services,” says Kumandan.
                                                                                                                                between organisations and their
                         institutions,   recent analysis by TransUnion,   and weaknesses that make it                           stakeholders. Preventing and
        businesses and the economy.   4.9% of digital transactions were   possible for fraudsters to operate   Counting the Cost of Fraud
                                      flagged as suspicious in the first   undetected.                                          mitigating irregularities, fraud
          Fraud in South Africa is on the   half of 2024. Telecommunications                       The Council for Scientific   and corruption can through
        rise with no signs of slowing.   (8.0%), financial services (5.5%),   Factors Driving Fraud in 2024  and Industrial Research   due diligence at all levels
        Amid an uptick in digital     and online communities (5.1%)   “Trending fraud types like   (CSIR) estimates the impact of   within organisations and public
        transformation across multiple   are among the hardest hit as   payment and procurement   cybercrime on the South African   institutions.”
        sectors, cybercrime coupled with   South Africa had the eighth                            economy to be at R2.2 billion   “By leveraging cutting-edge
        sophisticated social engineering   highest rate of suspected digital   fraud, identity theft, and social   per annum, with the country   technologies and conducting
                                                                    engineering scams are often
        techniques are laying bare    fraud in the first half of 2024   driven by a combination of   described as a ‘very attractive’   thorough background checks,
        systemic vulnerabilities in public   out of the 19 countries where   cunning tactics by fraudsters   testbed for cybercriminals.  companies can protect their
        institutions and businesses alike.   TransUnion provided regional   and existing weaknesses within   The repercussions of fraud   operations and ensure that
        In 2024, South Africa remained a   breakdowns.              organisations. Legacy systems   extend far beyond financial   fraudsters are kept at bay.
        global hotspot for fraud, ranking                           within organisations, human   losses, potential legal penalties   SearchWorks provides the tools
        among the top five countries for   Identity fraud also spiked with   error, as well as a lack of tools   and damaged brand reputations.   that organisations need to
        cybercrime density.           synthetic identity scams (where   or processes to identify fraud   “The consequences of inaction   conduct these checks, ensuring
                                      personal data is manipulated                                against fraud have an impact on
          “South Africa faces a perfect   to create false identities), which   quickly create a cascade of   the immediate victims as well   compliance with relevant laws
        storm of fraud challenges that   increased by an alarming 153%   challenges. Added to this   as the broader economy. Overall   and mitigating risk,”
        impact the entire breadth of the   in just one year, according to   are the advanced tools cyber   trust in organisations and   he adds. 
        economy. From digital identity   TransUnion. In addition, the   attackers use, including AI-  public institutions is a critical
        scams that affect consumers   persistence of social engineering   generated deepfakes to create   ingredient in the functioning of   T: +27 (0)86 034 0000
        to complex procurement fraud   scams, including phishing,   convincing fake identities or   a healthy society. The stakes are   E:
        that places organisations at   vishing, and SIM swap scams,   bypass security measures,”   simply too high to ignore,” adds   W:
        risk, businesses need to adopt   has also contributed to the   explains Kumandan.         Kumandan.
        proactive strategies to mitigate   country’s fraud crisis. In 2023   Procurement fraud remains
        financial and reputational damage  alone, the South African   a pressing concern for      Turning the Tide Through
        as a matter of urgency,” notes   Banking Risk Information   organisations. According to the   Proactive Prevention
        Sameer Kumandan, managing     Centre (SABRIC) reported that   PwC Global Economic Crime    At a broader level, taking a

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