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                                                                    PREPARING FOR FUTURE          BUILDING A LASTING            ☐   Good: You’re on solid ground,
                                                                    RETIREMENT                    LEGACY                           but there’s work to do
                                                                                                                                ☐   Great: Strong progress, with
                                                                    You didn’t start a business to   Your business should leave more      refinements to perfect
                                                                    work forever unless you’re allergic  than just a profit margin. It should
                                                                    to holidays. Your business should   leave a footprint.      ☐   Outstanding: You’ve nailed it.
                                                                                                                                  Your business is thriving

                                                                    secure your future, not tie you to
                                                                    your desk.                    Service Business Example:     TAKE ACTION NOW
                                                                                                  A landscaping company built an   Building a business that lasts
                                                                    Trade Business Example:       excellent reputation by offering eco-  doesn’t happen by chance, it takes
                                                                    A plumber reinvested profits  while   friendly solutions and partnering   strategy and effort. By optimising
                                                                    setting aside a healthy  retirement   with charities, becoming a trusted   your operations, planning for
                                                                    fund, diversifying  savings to reduce   name for sustainability.  retirement, and creating a legacy,
                                                                    reliance on  business income.  Construction Business Example:   you can ensure your business
                                                                                                                                delivers on its full potential.
                                                                    Consulting Business Example:   A builder embraced green tech-  Ready to level up? Book a
              unning a business isn’t   By implementing staff checklists   A corporate consulting firm    nologies, earning loyalty and   complimentary one on one
              for the faint hearted. It’s   and automating scheduling, they   developed a leadership pipeline  by   standing out in a crowded market.  discovery session today. Together,
        Ra rollercoaster ride with    improved customer retention and   mentoring junior managers. This   Ask Yourself          we’ll create a roadmap to help
        moments of triumph, panic, and   cut costs. Small tweaks, big wins.  reduced dependency on the owner                    you unlock your business’s full
        the occasional “Why did I sign   Construction Business Example:   and prepared the business for a   ■   Is your brand trusted for    potential.
        up for this?” question. But at its                          seamless handover.              quality and integrity?
        core, your business should be   A contractor drowning in delays                           ■   Are you positively impacting    Your business has the power to
        more than just a job, it should   and overruns adopted project   Ask Yourself               your community or industry?  be more than just a job. It can be
                                                                                                                                your greatest asset and legacy.
        be a vehicle for wealth, security,   management software. The result?   ■   Do you have a financial    ■   Are you keeping up with    Let’s make this happen together!
        and impact.                   Happier clients and healthier profits.    plan that includes savings and      market trends and customer
                                                                                                                                 Don’t know what your next step
          Focusing on three critical areas   Ask Yourself             reinvestment?                 needs?                      should be!  Contact me on the
        namely: optimising your current   ■   Are your processes smooth    ■   Is your team ready to step into
        investment, preparing for future     and efficient?           leadership roles?           Rate Yourself                 link below for a call. 
        retirement, and building a lasting   ■   Are your customers so happy                      ☐   Poor: You’re just surviving,
        legacy, can ensure your business     they stick around?     ■   Is there a clear exit strategy in       with no long-term impact  Scan the QR code below to Get in Touch
                                                                                                                                - Marlene Powell
        thrives for years to come.                                    place?                      ☐   Good: Your brand is trusted,    (
                                      ■   Can your business grow
          Let’s break these areas down     without burning cash?    Rate Yourself                    but you’re not giving back much  Contact Marlene on,
        with real business examples and                             ☐   Poor: Retirement? You’re not    ☐   Great: Your business is
                                                                                                                                or call +27 (0)83 479 4471
        a light hearted approach to self-  Rate Yourself               even thinking about it        respected and contributes
        assessment.                   ☐   Poor: Chaos reigns, and profits                            positively
                                         are leaking                ☐   Good: You’re starting to plan    ☐   Outstanding: You’re a trusted,
        OPTIMISING YOUR               ☐   Good: Basic systems are       but haven’t filled all the gaps     innovative leader leaving a
        CURRENT INVESTMENT               in place, but there’s room for    ☐   Great: A solid plan is in place,       lasting footprint  SCAN
        Your business is your biggest asset.   improvement             with capable team members    REFLECTION TIME. WHERE        QR CODE
        Is it working as hard as you are?  ☐   Great: You’re running like       stepping up       DO YOU STAND?                  TO GET IN
                                         clockwork, with loyal customers  ☐   Outstanding: Financial                              TOUCH
        Service Business Example:     ☐   Outstanding: Maximum         security and a seamless    Add up your ratings              WITH
        A cleaning company kept losing      efficiency, happy customers,       transition strategy are ready    ☐   Poor: Major overhauls needed    MARLENE
        clients due to inconsistent quality.     scalable growth       to go                         time to act fast             POWELL


             oyal Tyres Group, a leader   I look forward to building on   KwaZulu-Natal Tyre Dealers   socio-political challenges, building   service. A national presence,
             in the tyre industry, is   our foundation while navigating   Association which later resulted in   a legacy grounded in integrity,   dedicated team and efficient supply
        Rpleased to announce the      tomorrow’s challenges, always   being nominated and appointed   customer service excellence,   chain management allows the
        appointment of Akshay Patel as its   upholding our core values.”  as the national chairperson, giving   and competitive pricing. The   company to serve customers across
        new chief executive officer (CEO),                          him a seat at the RMI Executive   rebranding to Royal Tyres in 2018   Africa and beyond. Its history and
        effective 15 November 2024.    As CEO, Akshay brings        Board. Jay’s vision and leadership   marked a new era, reinforcing   dedication to excellence as well as
                                      continuity and stability to Royal
          Akshay Patel’s connection to   Tyres, having already been deeply   have built Royal Tyres into a   its commitment to innovation   a strong focus on corporate social
        Royal Tyres started as a young   involved in high-impact decisions   trusted name, and he will continue   and quality service. From   responsibility continues to uphold
        student, working weekends and   and strategic planning within   to provide guidance in this new   humble beginnings in Durban,   its position as a trusted, respected
        holidays. This early exposure   the organisation. His innovative   chapter.               Royal Tyres has grown into a   name in the market. 
        fostered a passion for the    approach, focus on sustainability,   “It is with immense pride that   leading tyre distributor, known
        business and a commitment to   and customer-centric philosophy   I welcome Akshay as our new   for its commitment to quality,   W:
        its mission. Since taking charge   are fully aligned with Royal   CEO,” said Jay Patel. “His vision,   innovation, and outstanding
        of the Commercial Division in   Tyres’ core values, positioning the   strategic insight, and commitment
        2018, Akshay has championed   company for continued growth   to progress will drive Royal Tyres
        an ambitious growth strategy,   and long-term success. Under   to new heights. After five decades
        spearheading expansion into new   his leadership, Royal Tyres is set   with this company, it is a joy to see
        markets while staying true to the   to embark on an inspiring new   the next generation take the helm,
        company’s commitment to quality   chapter that delivers even greater   ready to build on our legacy.”
        and innovation.               value to its stakeholders.
          Akshay shared his vision for                              A Legacy of Excellence
        the future, saying, “Our focus   Jay Patel’s Enduring Legacy  Founded in 1939 as Royal
        for Royal Tyres is on sustainable   After more than 50 years of   Vulcanizing, Royal Tyres has been
        growth, embracing technological   dedicated service, Jay Patel will   a staple of the South African tyre
        advancements, and strengthening   assume the role of chairman. His   industry for 86 years. Established
        our relationships with customers   extraordinary career has included   by Raman Patel during the
        and partners. I am honoured   over 35 years in the Retail Motor   Apartheid era, Royal Tyres is
        to lead this esteemed company,   Industry (RMI), a longstanding   an independent, Black-owned
        rich with legacy and purpose.   position as chairperson of the   business that has withstood   Akshay Patel and Jay Patel

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