Page 13 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
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A business is only as good as the people it employs.
Futurelink enjoys a buoyant and well-staffed Indus- that they are doing their jobs properly and really
Chief Executive Officer, trial Relations (IR) Division wherein they have access encourage my staff to take ownership of their
of Futurelink
to over 30 IR consultants as well as labour lawyers and responsibilities, get involved and make the right
attorneys around the country to assist clients with decisions.”
ELINDA COOKSON, the CEO of Futurelink, matters that may end up at the CCMA or Labour Court.
a national staffing solutions company, is A level of excellence
Munwaveringly passionate about the diverse Their Cleaning and Hygiene Division boasts well Reflecting on the role of women, Melinda says that
industry she works in. trained staff to ensure they keep their clients she does not believe that women should have a
premises and factories spotlessly clean and hygienic.
In 1995, Melinda entered the staffing industry as different approach to business to men. “I deal with a
a business development manager for a national Futurelink’s Payroll Division offers an efficient and lot of men in business and I have never felt inferior or
staffing company. Five years later, armed with accurate payroll service to their clients. that they are treating me differently because I am a
fantastic training and work experience, she took a “Futurelink’s success to date has been based woman. I have always enjoyed a mutually respectful
huge leap of faith and started her own recruitment on service. As a business owner, I have made it and professional relationship with my male clients.
That said, make sure you deliver regardless of the
agency. my priority to ensure that exceptional staff are gender of your client or customer.”
interacting with and supporting our clients. I remain
“I started without any capital, however I was filled “We operate at a level of excellence that sets us
with loads of passion and tenacity to see this dream passionate about the industry I operate in and my apart in the marketplace. I am steadfast when it
realised. I was fortunate to be given a small corner in hands on approach to ensuring that my staff go over comes to following procedures and ‘doing things
and beyond to ensure client satisfaction will remain
a business friend’s office to work from. I put my head an integral part of Futurelink’s ethos.” properly’, and nothing is too much trouble for our
down and worked very hard. All my planning took clients. The staffing industry is highly competitive,
place at night and during the day I made sure that Inspired by ordinary people and you need to out-perform your competitors
every productive minute was spent sitting in front of Melinda says that she is inspired by ordinary people at every opportunity. We have done this time and
the right clients.” who have faced adversity and have overcome time again. I am happy and grateful for what I have
Since those humble beginnings, Futurelink has challenges. These are the people we should be accomplished but there is still a lot I have to do.”
grown to have a footprint in most of the major applauding. Uplifting others
regions in South Africa. “Helping my clients, inspires and motivates me Melinda believes that it is essential for businesses
by offering workable and profitable solutions to
Experts in our field to get involved and give back to communities. She
sustain their businesses. For many of our clients, we was an active member of the Ukuthula Trust, which
Melinda’s major role is to drive the business forward have contributed to their success by placing good, is an NPO based in Chesterville near Durban. She
and to ensure that standards and customer service productive people in their businesses. We have has also since formed the Futurelink Empowerment
continues to be fulfilled and exceeded. “We view watched companies transition through all sorts of Trust which focuses on developing young people
ourselves as the experts in our field. We align changes in the economy and are now running very through educational support and career guidance.
ourselves with our clients’ staffing needs, tailoring our successful and profitable businesses.”
services offerings to meet their diverse operational Manage people upwards Melinda says that her family is a huge part of her life
requirements.” and in her leisure time she enjoys the outdoors and
In addition, Melinda recognises that her company’s wildlife.
Futurelink places skilled people in various positions success can be attributed to the great team with “To my younger self I would say trust and enjoy your
across a range of industries. “Our Flexible Staffing whom she has surrounded herself. “A business is only journey in this life. All the ups and downs, failures
Division allows our clients to operate their businesses as good as the people it employs. Over time I have and successes, bad and good times. These all help
profitably through the peaks and troughs of their built an atmosphere of mutual respect amongst to develop you, to teach you, to build great tenacity
production cycles by allowing us to place bulk temps my staff, all of whom operate in an environment of within you which will equip you for great things.” she
throughout these seasons.” integrity. I manage people upwards to make sure concluded.