Page 17 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 17
Speaking truth and positivity into the lives of the broken.
It’s what’s on the inside that matters
But she didn’t give up. She walked away from her and change South Africa one person at a time!”
Digital Marketer, Transformational Life Coach, career, moved to Durban from Johannesburg and
Reality TV Show Host and Producer Inspired by Oprah Winfrey and Steve Harvey, Aldine
went into a rehabilitation facility to start the inward describes how they overcame poverty and childhood
journey of healing, and began a new chapter of her
LDINE DALLAS is living her best life. Three abuse and chose not to buy into negativity. “They
months shy of 50, she has risen above life. rose above adversity and went on to become two of
Aadversity to achieve significant success, and The best you the most powerful people in the media world. They
is devoted to helping others transform their lives from Aldine explains: “I finally built a healthy, nurturing have given a voice to the broken and underprivileged,
the inside out, her motto: Turning hearts not heads. investing emotionally, spiritually and financially into
relationship with myself. Through self-exploration,
Her passion and determination is unmistakable. “So learning from counsellors and coaches and connecting the lives of others. My mission is to invest love and
many people are wounded or completely broken; with God, my transformation was dramatic. I realised time, and whatever resources I can amass, into the
perhaps from physical or emotional abuse, neglect, or I could make a difference and in 2008 my journey to lives of South Africans.”
being dismissed as worthless or unimportant, often help others began. My vision was to take what I’d learnt Finding the balance
from as far back as childhood. They don’t recognise about brokenness; the importance of forgiveness and Unconvinced by the concept of work-life balance,
their value and find it hard to have a positive view being accountable, to encourage people who are Aldine points out that work is an important part of
of themselves or their lives, bringing negativity into hurting to stand up with boldness and courage and life, not a separate entity. “You need to find a balance
their personal and professional relationships. It’s my step into healing and wholeness.” in your life, and for me that includes attending to
vision to help these people heal their lives and build One of her projects was a workshop for female my digital marketing clients, consulting with my life-
wholesome, happy and respectful connections. And inmates at Westville Prison. “I have a special passion coaching mentees, working on the production of Over
it starts with building a healthy relationship with for broken women, as I can identify easily with them.” 40 and Fabulous, exercising, salsa dancing, writing
themselves.” books and relaxing with friends and family. Balance
Aldine points out that there are many reasons that
From the outside Aldine’s life looked amazing. By the women end up in prison, but that childhood trauma, is important, but I don’t compartmentalise my life, I
time she’d finished primary school she was a seasoned a lack of self-respect and unhealthy relationships like prefer to take a holistic approach.”
television performer, having danced on a show for co-dependency are often a common thread. She mentions her 2007 book. “I highlighted that if life is
eight years and starred in numerous commercials and Aldine has run her digital marketing agency for a rocket ship, then every engine has to be equally and
had generated an income from modelling from the many years and is also a qualified life coach. “I help consistently fuelled.” Referring to areas such as finance,
age of six. She was also an academic, head prefect clients become their best selves, and my deep desire health and fitness, family and parenting, nutrition,
and a top sports achiever. emotions, personal character, spirituality, love, career,
was to do this on a bigger scale.” She launched her
She studied public relations and found a great job production company and developed, Over 40 and intellect and education, social, quality of life and life
in advertising straight out of college. Her career Fabulous, a reality TV show as a platform to help vision, she advises, “Focus energy in each of these areas
blossomed across operations and new business others nationally and potentially, even globally. and your rocket ship will soar to incredible heights!”
development and she landed her first directorship “My vision for Over 40 and Fabulous is to neutralise Hang in there
and shareholding at 28.
gender, cultural and racial tension. Our commitment Asked what advice she’d give her younger self, Aldine
“But I was an over-achiever and had never dealt is to turn hearts, not heads. We have a team of experts is positive. “Well done on hanging in so magnificently.
with my childhood brokenness, and I had taken on to help our participants holistically to overcome issues You got up each time you were knocked down and
too much too quickly.” With life and work pressure that have held them back. We’ll guide them into I am so incredibly proud of you. Never be ashamed
escalating, depression set in. Her marriage ended wholeness and help them establish a strong identity, of your past – there’s way more to you than that, you
after only two years and a downward spiral ensued. and an authenticity in how they present themselves, are defined by who you have become. Be resilient
After 10 years and many poor judgement calls, she so they can pursue healthy relationships. And if they’re and always remember that adversity doesn’t have to
found herself stuck in a violent relationship and hit single we’ll even help match them with potential hold you back, in fact it strengthens and propels you
rock bottom. partners, who will be coached as well. I want to uplift onward and upward.”