Page 21 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 21

Putting up your hand for

                                                               every opportunity.

                                                          She has a simple philosophy: If you can do your  important to be present in what you are doing at
          Head of the Wealth and Investment Division      job with your eyes closed, it’s time to regroup and  any particular time, whether at work or at home, and
          for Standard Bank KZN
                                                          look for new self-development opportunities.  And  you have to be quite deliberate about it to achieve

                  s head of the Wealth and Investment     happily, she’s been able to do this with Standard  your goals.”
                  Division for Standard Bank KZN, Lisa Forster   Bank.  “If your  job allows you to integrate  your   Focus is a big part of her success both in her career
                                                          values with the company values, then that’s a great
         Aleads a team of relationship managers and                                                        and her personal life.  Right now, she’s training for
          wealth managers, focusing on holistic solutions for   platform for commitment and for career growth, and   the Chicago Marathon. “I start my day at 4am to
                                                          I’m very grateful to Standard Bank and way they’ve
          high net worth and ultra-high net worth individuals.                                             get the training in. That’s being deliberate! But I
          She and her team ensure service excellence in   supported me through my career, in my studies and   also believe in the link between a healthy body,
          delivering holistic solutions, both domestically and   with executive development programmes.”      and a healthy mind, and my running is good for
          off shore, for their clients.                   Right now, Lisa sees a role for herself to contribute  productivity.”
                                                          to a new generation of leaders coming up the ranks
          “I joined Standard Bank in the most junior position                                              Business is about people
          possible,” she laughs. “I was 17 and  straight out of   within Standard Bank. “I want to support them in the   Given a time-machine, she’d advise her younger self
                                                          same way, and if they can benefit from my knowledge
          school.  Financially, university just wasn’t an option                                           that you don’t need a leadership title to be a leader
          and I was just happy to get a job.” Lisa points out   and my experience, then I’m making a difference.”  in your environment; that no matter how talented
          that she didn’t mind starting at the bottom, and says  Show up every day                         you are, you can’t always move up without earning
          it defined her. “I had to learn, work hard and create
                                                          Asked who inspires her, Lisa notes that typically,  your stripes; that’s it’s not always clear what you’re
          opportunities, and I still strive to do this today.”    people look to those in positions of leadership or in  learning from an experience, but if you do your
          Many different roles                            the public domain for inspiration. “But for me it’s the  best it might turn out to be a defining opportunity.

          Lisa has had many different roles in the business, and   people who come to work despite the challenges  “Take every opportunity; it’s not a waste of time, it’s
          that’s stood her in good stead to progress through   and adversities they face on a daily basis; who show  clearing a path for you. And remember that each
          the ranks. “I‘ve worked really hard to develop   up every day with a great attitude, give of their best  challenging day might be teaching you something.
          myself professionally and put up my hand for every   and really deliver for the business.  They remind me  So learn from it – your future self may thank you.”
          opportunity. I’ve never really been guided by my   on a daily basis to appreciate what I have and all the   Lisa  would  also  remind  herself  to  protect  her
                                                          opportunities Standard Bank has afforded me over
          job description and I still stand by that today. Being                                           reputation and her credibility. “They speak for you
          willing to take on added responsibilities and do   the past 30 years.”                           when you’re not in the room.” And lastly, she’d point

          whatever is needed has opened up opportunities  But career success doesn’t come without some  out the need to build solid relationships. “So much of
          for me. And I try every day to be better than the  compromise. “I don’t believe you can ever really  your career success depends on your relationships,
          day before.”                                    achieve work life balance,” she says. “I think it’s more  because business is about people.”

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