Page 25 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 25
Only you have the power through resilience, focus and determination to succeed.
In defining the word ‘success’ one finds that it is different for each person.
my unwavering belief and trust in God and the corporate and business environment is dominated
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, unconditional love, support and motivation from my
of “Styled by Le’Nore” by males. However, she added that male domination
family, saw me emerge victorious against the odds... does not determine a woman’s destiny or success.
Breaking Barriers.” As such one of her aims is to inspire women to
ENORE GOSS-MATJIE, the founder and CEO
of “Styled by Le’Nore”, is a qualified image In further reflecting on what inspires her, Lenore be advocates for change and trailblazers in their
Lconsultant, fashion stylist, an etiquette and explains that as a woman living with Fibromyalgia, respective industries.
protocol consultant as well as a motivational speaker. she approaches and looks at life in a more grateful “Only you have the power through resilience, focus
and thoughtful way. and determination to succeed. In defining the word
The beginnings of her journey were as a professional
and qualified dancer, dance coach and adjudicator “I must truthfully say that I draw inspiration from ‘success’ one finds that it is different for each person.
from the age of 18, and a dance academy owner. everyone. I realise that as human beings we all face Being a CEO of a company or a top executive in
Lenore was involved in grooming, styling, and our own challenges. Conversing with people, as well corporate may be success for one person. However,
makeup for all her dancers. She was responsible for as observing how they get through their challenges being the CEO of your household and your destiny
putting together stage dance productions where and odds, inspires me immensely. The privilege that I is also success to another person. Don’t base and
the styling and image of the theme had to be have of being a mom to three amazing children who measure your success on another person’s success.”
communicated to the audience. In addition, Lenore are so loving and selfless and whom are my biggest To date Lenore is happy with what she has
travelled to United States with dance groups. supporters, always inspires me. Having a loving achieved but knows that there is so much more
husband and wonderful father to our children, also that she wants to do and will do. “Learning and
Lenore’s and her husband Neville’s dance academy
was one of the most successful in KwaZulu-Natal. gives me much inspiration.” growing as an individual is never-ending. I am
Through this academy, the husband and wife Lenore added that uMama Winnie Mandela is an in it for the long-haul and I want to learn and
team travelled extensively throughout KwaZulu- inspiration for her. “An incredible, brave and selfless grow. I am determined to develop my own shoes
Natal and neighbouring countries doing outreach human being, who continued to emerge victorious and accessories line and to engage with more
programmes in rural communities, working very against all the odds.” collaborations with various brands in the effort to
closely with the youth. Grooming and styling business empower women and youth.”
In 2005, explained Lenore, “I unfortunately had an Lenore’s background in dance and her experiences as Believe in yourself
accident while 29 weeks pregnant with my second a qualified school teacher resulted in her developing Achieving a work-life balance is not an easy task for
child. This was a life changing event, which forced a keen interest in growing her passion for grooming Lenore. “Although I work mostly from home, it is
me to leave teaching as well as dancing.” and styling into a business. Her vision was to service sometimes challenging to ensure that I give my all
A new normal clients and help them in the space of beauty and to both my family and my clients, without burning
glamour. out. What I always do though, and unapologetically
Lenore had developed a debilitating muscular so, is to ensure that my children, their needs, and
skeletal chronic medical condition, called Fibro- Lenore’s focus is on the growth of individuals and their special events, take priority.”
myalgia (which to date has no cure but can be corporates, by consulting on the art of building self-
managed). “As a result, the next few years saw me esteem through a positive approach to fashion. As If Lenore could advise her younger self she would
undergoing many surgeries, as well as treatments, a former educator, her goal is to encourage young say, not to view situations as failures, but rather as
being in and out of a wheelchair and using crutches... people to liberate themselves through the power learning experiences. “It is what you do with those
trying to learn how to cope and adapt to my “new of knowledge and education. She is passionate learning experiences that is critical.”
normal” way of living.” about the development of young people through Most importantly she advises, “Believe in yourself,
“But I am a fighter, a warrior and although I lost many programmes aimed at the girl child. you are braver than you think, more talented than
years through being trapped in a vicious cycle of In assessing the approaches of men and women you know and capable of more than you can
surgeries, treatments, constant pain and depression, in business, Lenore says that the reality is that the imagine.” (Roy T. Bennett)