Page 29 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 29

It is better to say less, be clear and

                                        only say what is relevant to produce results.

                                                          “Resilient people are able to adapt to change,  slowly-slowly catch the monkey” as she had been
          Co-founder and Systems Director,                become stronger and become dynamic leaders in  impulsive and wanted to get things done very
          at Wozani Berg Gasoline
                                                          the business world.”                             quickly. “Set your goals and know that you will get

                   ICHELLE GREGORY is the co-founder of  Michelle believes specific incidents don’t make you,   there  eventually  if  you  are  resilient.  Success  does
                   Wozani Berg Gasoline (WBG), a diversified  rather it is relationships and being able to change   not happen overnight unless you win a jackpot.”
         Mlogistics group, providing transport, fuel  as life moulds you that matters. People are very  Secondly, she would tell herself to be humble. “Life
          storage, distribution, and supply chain services  important to her and so good relationships between  throws curve balls at us, so enjoy the good times
          nationally and in neighbouring countries. She is the  them are necessary. She feels fortunate to have a   and be grateful for them, because they can be taken
          systems director responsible for all procedures and  support system of family and friends who have been   from you in an instant.” She relates that there were
          systems including telecommunications, information  with her all the way.                         times at WBG where they had to pick themselves
          technology, and software development.
                                                          Being a woman in a male-dominated industry       up, dust themselves off and get back in the saddle.
          Michelle started off as a teacher before getting  meant Michelle had to learn the hard way to stand   “Being humble is about knowing you are never so
          married and then worked in the computer industry  up for herself. Being the only woman around a   good that nothing will go wrong.”
          for  three  years.  Michelle and  her  husband  James  table with men set in their ways requires bringing
                                                                                                           Lastly, she would say “Be bold”. As a young mom
          got an opportunity to move to the KwaZulu-Natal  an art to negotiations. As Michelle likes to produce   she battled to express herself, “but years later I can
          Midlands  where  they  ran a  thriving  trading store.  something tangible quickly and efficiently, she   sit around any boardroom table, rely on my gut
          When Engen invited tenders for a fuel depot, she  found it is better to say less, be clear and only say   feeling and with integrity say what I need to say.”
          and her husband made a joint bid.               what was relevant to produce results.            This is important, she thinks, as young people tend

          James had fuel industry training and experience  “Working in a man’s world is tough for a woman,” she  to hold back and not say what needs to be said.
          and Michelle had accounting and IT experience. She  says, “you have to learn to read men, and then you   The best is yet to come
          says, “We were fortunate to be the right people at   have to use the advantages for your benefit.”
          the right place at the right time” and their bid was                                             Michelle is not content with what she has achieved
          successful. They opened a fuel depot in the tiny town   Leave work behind                        and says that her best is yet to come. She has been
          of Creighton with a truck, two drivers and a clerk.  Balancing work and family life have been important,  privileged to be part of WBG and aims to leave it
          Despite major setbacks, through perseverance, hard  but not a problem for Michelle. “I am very clear that  a sustainable, well-oiled machine that can function
          work and building good relationships, the business  when I leave the work premises, I leave work behind.  without her. She believes in giving back and through
          succeeded and expanded.                         It’s my saving grace,” she says.                 WBG assists schools, supports an orphanage and
          WBG now boasts a modern infrastructure nationally  When Michelle and James started the business,   gets involved in social projects. Though modern
          with more than 200 employees.  Michelle says, “To  they had three toddlers and Michelle’s time had to   technology, WBG offices are becoming green.
          get here today has been a long process, 26 years  be divided. She believes, “Being a mom is the most   Now she would like to start something on her own
          of hard work, almost like the process of a river from  humbling and precious gift that a woman can have   and says that it’s never too late to start something
          start to end.”                                  in life”. Motherhood grounds her and gives her   new, she is ready for a challenge. Michelle has a
                                                          purpose. It gives her balance in the work and life
          Say what is relevant and produce results                                                         passion for women in business and wants to create
                                                          scenario says Michelle.                          a business network run by women who own their
          Good and bad life experiences have moulded                                                       own businesses.
          her, making her a graduate of the University of   Be patient, humble, and bold
          Life. Michelle is inspired by men and women who  If Michelle could give her younger self advice,  Michelle is poised to do so right now, but “Even
          have bounced back from hardship and hard times.  she would say three things. Firstly “Be patient,  baby eagles need a push to fly!” she concludes.

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