Page 31 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 31

There are numerous women out of the limelight

                                               who are doing the most for people.

                                                          retrenchments. Busi formed a company, Global  grandmother has been her biggest inspiration. “Her
          Founder and Chief Executive Officer,            Pact Consulting, recruited staff and commenced  strength, wisdom, and achievements without formal
           of Goodlife Foods                              transmission and distribution work two months later.  education are amazing.”

                                                          She acquired an understanding of engineering, and
                USI GUMEDE is the founder and CEO of      the  business  became  successful,  employing  450   “People  who  have  achieved  something  although
                Goodlife Foods. The company provides natural   people nationally.                          they started with nothing and came from nowhere
         Bkefir products, which offer probiotic and other                                                  impress me. There are numerous women out of
          health benefits, under the ‘KePro’ brand. Busi oversees  The future seemed bright until 2009 when, as Busi  the limelight who are doing the most for people.”
          the overall functioning of the company, formulates its  puts it, “the giant fell, taking us with it”. Eskom failed  However, Oprah Winfrey inspires her with the way
          products,  manages  production  and  marketing,  and  to make payments for eight months, and banks  she has overcome several obstacles and created a
          looks after customers.                          turned  on  her  company  due  to  its  Eskom  link.  prosperous global brand. And says Busi, my children
                                                          Retrenchments became inevitable and the company  are  a  true  litmus  test,  I  am  in  awe  of  them!  “My
          Busi was raised by her grandparents and “practically   downsized in 2012 focusing on smaller contracts.   children do inspiring things daily.”
          grew up in their trading store near Bulwer”. Her
          biological mother was too young to take care  Feeling good                                       According to Busi, women need a different approach
          of her and became like an older sister, whilst her   Consequently, Busi became stressed and very sick.   to business than men. “When I started my business
          grandmother became her mother and role model.   She had surgery, but realised she had to heal herself.   as a young person I was often viewed as a child, not
          “I tried to walk like she walked and to work as hard   On a friend’s recommendation she tried kefir, which   a capable businessperson. I have found that women
          as she did,” Busi says. Her family expected her to   led to her amazing healing. Kefir which translates as   need to prove themselves repeatedly and work harder
          become a doctor, but she loathed working with   ‘feeling good’ was however only available in limited   to get the same results as men.”
          blood  and  studied  for  a  BTech,  Food  Science   quantities from health shops.               Busi is content and grateful for what she has accom-
          degree instead.                                                                                  plished  so  far.  She  would,  however,  like  to  do  and
                                                          Busi, perceiving a commercial opportunity; ‘cheekily’
          After her studies, Busi moved to Cape Town and   contacted the Danish Dairy Board since Denmark is   achieve more. “When you start in business it is about
          became a food selector for Woolworths and then a   a world leading supplier. The board hosted her, and   what you can do for yourself, but as you grow as a
          quality assurance manager for the Oceania group.   she learnt about the production, distribution and   person, doing things to change people’s lives for the
          On  returning  to  Durban,  she  took  over  the  family’s   difficulties of growing kefir.      better becomes important.”
          traditional trading stores, transforming these into                                              She finds that achieving a work-life balance is difficult
          convenience supermarkets. However, changing     This resulted in Busi founding Goodlife Foods and   if you try to do everything yourself, especially as a
          shopping patterns, brought about by people in the   formulating products beyond what Denmark offered.   single mother of two children. “Achieving a balance
          townships buying  goods  elsewhere  and  criminal   She is proud of making breakthroughs in her own   is about allocating enough time for business and my
          activities affected the business. After being shot at,   kitchen including developing unique spoon kefir,   children whilst leaving some for myself.”
          hijacked, robbed and brutally assaulted, she closed   which is eaten like a yogurt. New processes were
          the stores and lost almost everything she owned.    developed for the product that is now registered  Busi would advise her younger self, the person she was
                                                          as a new dairy segment in South Africa and spelling  at about 20, to marry after first studying and travelling,
          Providing engineering services                  changed to Kephir.                               and to get more exposure to the world before starting
          A marketing agreement with the advertising agency   The products are available on a small scale in   her own business. “Such advice could have saved me
          Ogilvy and a joint venture with Ikusasa Communi-  KwaZulu-Natal, but a production facility is being built   lots of money and pain.”
          cations followed. Busi offered marketing services   near Lions River to produce Goodlife Food’s products  Busi says she does not care about money anymore,
          to Eskom, but an opportunity to consult and help   on a large scale for national distribution.   it is more important to do something for people,
          with their electrification drive followed instead. She                                           especially young women needing help to get their
          had enough drive and vision, but no qualifications   Biggest inspiration                         businesses off the ground. “This has become a passion
          or staff. Fortune favoured her, however, as suitable  Busi ascribes her achievements to hard work and  and I am in the process of starting a fund to support
          people became available following Eskom staff   to grabbing available opportunities. Busi says her  people to get their businesses going.”

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