Page 35 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 35

Make a difference

                                                                   for our youth.

                                                          in essential life skills, business and personal finance  But the Gap Academy has provided another
          Founder and Director,
          of the Gap Academy                              management and develop emotionally to cope with  unexpected opportunity too. The business sector
                                                          life after school.                               and other potential sponsors can see the worth of
                                                                                                           the Gap programme and get involved by financially
                RENDA HORNER, is the founder and director  “There’s so much going on in matric,” she points
                                                                                                           investing and assisting students. Lecturers are
                of the Gap Academy which provides school  out, “and the pressure to make a decision about
         Band university leaving students the privileged  the following year is enormous.  It often leads to   selected on their reputation and professionalism
          opportunity to realistically assess, discover, plan and  hasty, ill-informed decisions. Teenagers often have   and invest their time and knowledge in lecturing
          create for their future career and life paths.   no idea what they want to do. They simply don’t   the students and giving back to the emerging youth.
                                                          have the knowledge, experience or exposure to the  Finding the balance
          A Greytown farm girl, Brenda has lived most of her
                                                          realistic information they need to make the right
          life in the KZN Midlands and attended high school                                                “I don’t always achieve a good work/life balance,”
          in Pietermaritzburg.  After school, she studied a four   choices.”                               admits Brenda, “but it’s probably been easier for me
          year degree in food and clothing technology and a  To attend the Gap Academy, students need to be  than many women. When I started this business, my
          physical education degree for high school teaching.  17 years or older (there is no upper age limit - their  children were grown, so I had fewer demands on
          Brenda  has  followed  an  interesting  and  diverse  oldest student was 42). “We prefer our students to  my time. But I still need to plan for family time and
          career path from teaching, lecturing, and designing  have their matric,” says Brenda, “but it’s not essential.   me-time.”
          and manufacturing of wedding dresses, clothing  They  do  however  require a  good  attitude  to  their   Acknowledging that she’s very fortunate, Brenda says
          and soft furnishings, to owning her own consulting  work and colleagues, and they must want to attend   that her gender has never been an issue for her.  “I’ve

          and manufacturing interior design company for 27   Gap Academy to plan and achieve for themselves!  never found being a woman a disadvantage; not in
          years. During this time, she compiled also an interior   At the end of the year, our students will have more  my industry.” Conceding that it may be more of an
          design course for a correspondence school, raised   focus and clearer goals. They’ll know what they  issue in male dominated industries, she points out
          two children and played competitive sport.      want to do and have a plan to start the journey to  that it’s probably more important to be committed

          As a parent and an ex-educator, she was deeply   get there.”                                     and to do what needs to be done. “Whether you’re a
          disturbed by the number of students leaving     Inspired every day                               man or a woman, you need to be at the top of your
          school who did not know what they wanted to                                                      game to succeed.”
          do, or were not prepared for the ‘real world’. She   Brenda is inspired by her students, both past and   Asked whether there’s anything that she’d do
          was equally concerned by the high numbers of    present. “Looking at our students, I can see the impact   differently, if she was to do it all over again, she
                                                          we’ve  made;  that  we’re  doing  something  really
          students  making  the  wrong  career  choices  and                                               hesitates. “Maybe I should have started this Gap year
                                                          needed in our society. I see past students who’ve
          not completing their tertiary studies, and the many   gone on to great things and I know we’re making a   programme sooner. I’ve achieved what I set out to
          students wanting to study but unable to do so due   difference.  And I can see it in our current students   do, and I can see the results, so I’m very proud of that
          to financial constraints.                                                                        and I’m happy.  It’s great to know that you’re making
                                                          too. I walk their journey with them every day. It’s
          Identifying the huge void after school, Brenda  remarkable to see their growth in one short year, and   a difference in someone’s life.”
          founded the Gap Academy in 2006 to provide  it’s wonderful to know we’re instrumental in getting  But she’s not done yet. The Gap Academy has provided
          students with a planned and purpose-driven gap  them onto the right path. They leave us with goals,  an invaluable service to students (and their parents)
          year.  Students have time to assess their career options  plans and purpose.  We give them a platform for life,  in  the  Pietermaritzburg  area,  but  there’s  plenty  of
          and are equipped with knowledge and experience  and that’s all the motivation I could ask for.”  potential in other areas too.

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