Page 37 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 37

I strongly believe that human capital

                                                        is our most valuable asset.

                                                          my strength is still caring for people.  But now it’s   ballroom dancing so we do that twice a week, and
          Managing Director,                                                                               we play golf too.”
          of Starwood Investments and the Star Retailers Group  my staff and my customers that I care for.”
                                                          The power of emotional intelligence              Find your purpose
                    hen Serena Jagadasan qualified as a                                                    Asked what advice she’d give her younger self,
                    radiographer, she never dreamed she’d   Describing herself as a highly emotional, Serena   Serena doesn’t hesitate. “Find your purpose as soon
         Wbecome the managing director of a               certainly doesn’t see this as a negative. “Women   as possible,” she says. “To live a fulfilled, contented,
          retailing group with a staff of a 1000 people.    do behave differently in business, because we are
                                                          emotional beings. And if you have high emotional   happy life, you need a purpose. Develop a clear
          Growing up in Phoenix, Serena knew people       intelligence (EQ), this is a real attribute. Successful   understanding of who you are, find your purpose
          mattered and she needed a career where she could
                                                          leaders need a high EQ to understand behaviour   and you can be the highest version of yourself.”
          help others. She decided she wanted something in   and  motivation,  and  as an  emotionally intelligent
          the medical field and settled on radiography and   leader you can  generate greater loyalty  and   And Serena certainly knows herself and her
          chose to study in Pretoria and it was in patient care   commitment in your staff, and motivate them to   purpose. She attributes much of her success to her
          that she really excelled. She loved her work, and   give of their best.”                         willpower. “I have the courage to take on challenges,
          the knowledge that she could make a difference                                                   the self-belief to stay the course when things
                                                                                                           get  tough,  and  a  heart  strong  enough  to  accept
          for her patients. However, it wasn’t long before she   When Serena talks about her staff her commitment   constructive criticism. I have a positive attitude to
          returned  to  Durban,  married Ravi  Jagadasan,  and   is clear. “I strongly believe that human capital is
          began her retail journey.                       our most valuable asset and I focus on that.  I’m   life and to business, and I accept that even when
                                                          passionate about the people. I care, I show I care, and   things don’t go my way, I can learn and grow from
          Although neither of them had any retail experience,   that’s why our business is successful.”    the experience.”
          Ravi had been approached by Spar to open a store in                                              Empowerment through education
          Phoenix, an opportunity they couldn’t pass up, and   Apart  from  the  obvious  demands  of  her  role  as
          together they set out to grow the business.     managing director of a successful business, Serena   Serena is grateful for her accomplishments, and is
                                                          also manages her roles as wife and mother to three   clearly enjoying her journey, but she still has two
          Now managing director of Starwood Investments   boys under the age of nine with assurance. She is
          and the Star Retailers Group, Serena leads her ‘dream   confident she has a good balance between work   major  goals  she’s  determined  to  achieve:  “Firstly,  I
                                                                                                           have a big goal for 2020.  I completed a postgraduate
          team’  of  60  managers  and  a  staff  of  1000  people   and the rest of her life. “It takes a good deal of   diploma in business management  a couple of
          across nine business units: seven world-class Spar
                                                          planning, time management and self-management,   years ago, but now I want to take it further, and I’m
          and Superspar stores, a wholesale bakery and an   but it’s important to get it right and I make it a
          accredited training academy.                    priority.”                                       embarking on an MBA next year.
          She credits her husband with introducing her to   Serena’s an early riser and keeps a regular schedule.   Secondly, I want to see our employees grow too.
                                                                                                           Most of our staff have no tertiary education but
          the retail world, and describes him as her business
                                                          She hits the gym first thing in the morning before   empowering people is central to their growth, and
          partner and mentor. “He really is an exemplary   heading to work.  “I’m strict about office hours and
          person and an inspiration.  I strive to emulate him,”   work from 9am to 3pm, so I have plenty of time   education is a key part of that empowerment. So it
          she says.                                       with my boys.” She also puts aside time for her   was a clear strategic intent to introduce our Raising
                                                                                                           the Bar training academy. It is my goal to see that
          She describes her shift from radiography to retailing  husband, and says that spending time together on   each one of our employees achieves at least an
          as simple. “It’s all about people. People matter. In  shared  interests  makes  it  easier  to  maintain  their   NQF2 qualification, and our academy is a vital part of
          radiography, my strength was patient care.  In retail,  close bond and keep the spark alive. “We both love   achieving that goal.”

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