Page 39 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 39

Not everything needs to be done in one day and

                          accept where you are at presently and live in the moment.

          Owner and Head Trainer,                         Obstacle course racing                           of a fighting spirit, and we just make things happen.
          at We Train Revolution                          Her husband, who was one of her clients, introduced   No matter how we feel, we get the job done.”
                                                          Mariska to obstacle course racing as a sport after she   Mariska says that she is very grateful for what she has
                   ARISKA GRACE JAMES is the owner and    had been ill and was on the mend.                accomplished so far which she would have not done
                   head trainer of We Train Revolution,                                                    without her support base. “Every accomplishment
         Mwhich is an obstacle, boxing and strength       “I entered the Warrior Race and was hooked. I knew   is a gift that I don’t take for granted.” However, she
          training facility, for children, level one beginners   that I wanted to incorporate my passion for obstacle   would like to obtain more exposure for the course
          as well as elite athletes. Her role is to oversee the   course racing into the gym and wanted to build my   as well as her gym by growing her ’fitness family’.
          facilities, create programmes, run classes, liaise with   own course.” Initially, Mariska struggled to find a venue
          clients, provide massage treatments, and to give   with the space that was needed to house an obstacle   “We have this incredible course and I would love to
          obstacle course racing coaching.                course. “Once I had found a venue, construction   see more clients as well as more trainers enjoying
                                                          started slowly as I had no money to start building the   the use of the facility. We are so welcoming to any
          Mariska comes from a South African netball back-  course. I asked on our internal We Train Revolution   new person of any fitness level.”
          ground and reflected that she had trained hard and
          been excited about pushing boundaries.          group if anyone had gum poles lying around and the  Mariska would also like to increase the number of
                                                          construction project took off from there.”       people participating in the races – obstacle wars –
          We Train Revolution was started in 2009. Mariska says                                            which are held there.
          that she could never have gotten to where she is   Mariska ascribes her business success to her
          today without the people in her life who supported   members who have become friends. “My members  Enjoy what you do
          her dreams and believed in her.                 have shared my dream, believed in me, and stuck by   Commenting on her efforts to achieve a work-life
                                                          me, especially through the many changes when I   balance Mariska says that she has learnt the hard way.
          She explains, ‘I was on a journey looking for some-  was sick. We Train Revolution is a true fitness family.”
          thing new. I was in decorating for ten years and                                                 “I believe I was previously so sick because I had no
          had reached a quiet patch. A friend asked me to   A strong mental fortitude                      balance. For four years I was sick, unable to exercise,
          train her.  Then another friend asked and within six   In reflecting on who has inspired her, Mariska says   which is my  passion,  and  I had  to  re-evaluate  my
          months I had 70 clients. From there the dream just   that she feels inspired by the people around her   priorities in life.” Now Mariska tries to rest during the day
          built, and I studied to be a personal trainer.”    who believe in her and her dreams. “I believe God   and remembers to unplug in the evenings after classes.
                                                                                                           “As you are dealing with people, work-life balance is
          At that time Mariska only had six yoga mats, and she  puts dreams in my heart, and I make sure I stay   crucial in this industry, you can’t be tired or have a bad
          went to her clients’ houses for one on one training.   within God’s calling each day. Once I have a dream, I   mood.” In addition, having a personal assistant also
          Unfortunately, she got very sick during this time and  set goals for myself and because I have been gifted   helps in taking some of the workload off Mariska.
          had to change her strategy.                     with a strong mental fortitude, I get to where I want
                                                          to be.”                                          What advice would she give her younger self if she
          “Instead of one on one training, I started looking for                                           could in this moment? “I would say that you are
          venues to do group training. I found a venue and my  Commenting on whether women must have a     good enough and that you can’t please everyone
          business just grew from there.”                 different approach than men to be successful, Mariska   and its ok. Your life is filled with a lot of different

          Mariska ran five venues, from Ballito to Hillcrest,   says that she thinks it is natural for women to have   personalities and sometimes you must just accept
          offering weight training, boxing and strength train-  a different approach to business than men. “Women   that you tried your best. Remember, to enjoy life
          ing. She has since downscaled and operates in only   and men deal with people differently based on   and enjoy what you do. Not everything needs to
          one venue but has increased her services to offer   their perspectives and bring a different dynamic to  be done in one day and accept where you are at
          obstacle course racing training.                business. We are more sensitive, but also have more  presently and live in the moment.”

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