Page 15 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 15
Plan in advance
and do not leave everything for the last minute.
Determination and hard work Pravina has assisted many organisations by doing
Executive Director, pro bona work for schools, and NGOs through
thoughtFIRE Events cc Pravina’s determination and hard work has certainly marketing and promoting their organisations,
paid off. Fast forward 30 years, and Pravina is proud to
RAVINA COOMBS is the owner and executive say that she is one of the most sought-after conference including arranging events and providing public
director of thoughtFIRE, which has established and event organisers in Durban. relation services. Examples of these include helping
Pitself as one of the leading event management to establish the Gin Girls and running the wood
companies in South Africa. Over the last 30 years, Reflecting on her success, Pravina says that a mixture of work course business plan for the KwaThintwa
thoughtFIRE has managed hundreds of events with solid connections and sheer determination is what has School for the Deaf, to name a few.
expertise including conferences, banquets, seminars, got her to where she is today. Pravina has sat on many boards and associations
exhibitions, live events, and specialised meetings to In addition, she says, “My inspiration comes from in her career. These include the Businesswomen’s
name a few. learning every day, and these lessons come from my Association of South Africa – Durban Branch
Her professional journey started back in 1989 while friends, family, my children, my staff, contractors, and committee and she was the first elected chairperson
she was working for a local NGO in Durban. Pravina other business people.” of the PR & Liaison Committee of the Durban
commented that as a single mother to a young Her success must also be attributed to, “A good team at University of Technology. She has done guest
daughter, life was tough. the office, a good team at home and having the ability talks and lectures at various institutions which
However, said Pravina, “I had a fire burning in me in to pre plan all my tasks and responsibilities in advance.” have included participating in career days to assist
that knew I was better than my circumstances of living “I have to say that since I am so overly organised students in their career choices.
salary to salary. So, I worked on all the strengths I had, and efficient, or so I would like to believe; I plan in Pravina is involved in her son’s schooling and has sat
and realised that I could fulfil a need in the market advance and do not leave everything for the last on the school’s Parents’ Council for five years. She
and become a professional conference organiser. This minute. I can pack a lot into a day – so as stressful currently sits on their Educational Trust committee.
was still a new profession, but I knew I had to take as my work is – I am able to enjoy both business and All falls into place
up the challenge.”
time outside of business.”
With the help of her now husband, who offered Training and mentorship Pravina says that she is comfortable with what she
Pravina a rent-free office for six months, and financial has achieved in her current business and in what she
help from a friend who loaned her some money to In commenting on the role of women in business, has done for the industry. “But the end goal for me
buy her first computer, Pravina said that she was ready Pravina said that while perhaps differences do would be to own a boutique hotel and conference
for the biggest challenge of her life. exist for men and women in business, in her line centre that would cater for unique events. I think
of work, the differences have not been an issue. “I that from my work and experience I have gained
She started calling people from previous contacts sufficient knowledge and insight and definitely see
she had made through the charity asking them if she also think that as much as there are huge issues with this as amongst my goals.”
could help with marketing, promotions, events or corporates and unfair practices in respect of salaries
public relations. and promotions, women do have the confidence The advice that she would give to her younger self
and power to succeed in business today.” is: “Take it easy, but not too easy; everything will
Thanks to the solid relationships built throughout her happen when the time is right but don’t wait too
career, in the first month of going it alone, Pravina made Pravina is proud of the role that she has played in long for the right time – give time a push now and
more money than her last salary. “This confidence in my helping numerous women and men to succeed again and then all falls into place eventually.”
ability gave me the push I needed to continue, pursue through her training and mentorship. In addition, she
and develop my business.” often educates her clients and other businesses in Last thought
public relations and first-line marketing.
“I knew I had it in me. I believed in myself, I met While many businesses have failed, and many are
deadlines, I went out of my way to deliver the goods, “In my professional life, I have helped many people to struggling, and others simply fail to get off the ground,
be different and I never made promises that I could start their own businesses and given advice on how to Pravina’s business is a huge success story. If anything,
not deliver on.” improve their businesses.” that says it all about Pravina.