Page 63 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 63

If you’re prepared to fight for what you want,

                                                           nothing is impossible.

                                                          development,  and  spends  much  of  her  time  with   Highlighting the truth that most successful business
          Chief Executive Officer,                        clients. She loves the operational side of the business   people  achieve  success  despite  failures  along  the
          of Azisa Consulting                             and can be found on site two or three days a week,   way,  she  notes  that  if you  want  success,  you  can’t
                                                          often presenting training courses on construction   give up when things get tough. “Whenever I fail, he
                  s CEO of Azisa Consulting, Natasha Naidoo   safety.
                  leads a busy life. Asked about her journey,                                              picks me up and dusts me off, so I can start again.”
         Ashe is candid.  “I got this far through hard    “The construction industry is tough, and I believe it’s   Natasha is very grateful to her mother.  Admitting
          work, long hours and being prepared to make     harder for women in this industry. We constantly must   that she has no real work-life balance, working
          sacrifices in my personal life. When you want   prove our expertise, and that can be disheartening.   long hours most days, she is fortunate to have her
          something badly enough, and you’re prepared to   But for me, that makes me try harder. I’m a firm   mother’s help daily. “My mother is up and active at
          fight for it, you’ll find a way to make it happen.”  believer in the importance of customer service, and I   6am, and I rely on her for a home-cooked dinner
                                                          think that’s helped greatly.”                    most nights too. I couldn’t do what I do without her
          Things haven’t come easily to Natasha. Brought up
          by a single mother, she says she knows what it’s like   Natasha’s head office is based in Durban but, after   support and I’m lucky to have someone who loves
          to go without. “My mother is an inspiration. She’s   only five years in business, the company has extended   my children, helps me take care of them, and is a
          always had to fight to keep her head above water,   operations to Johannesburg.  “I planned to expand   big part of their lives.”
          and it’s her strength that made me who I am today.    into other regions, but I had to put that on hold for a   An understanding partner
          We grew up knowing what it’s like to not to have   while.”  Natasha’s brother was murdered in 2017, and   But the long hours aren’t relentless, and Natasha
          lights and water, and sometimes even food.”     for almost two years her priority was the fight to get   does enjoy precious time with her family. “I do steal
                                                          justice for him. “The two men who killed my brother
          As a schoolgirl, she dreamed of being a lawyer, but   were convicted in August, and now we have closure.   time to fetch the children from school and spend
          there was no chance of studying after school. While   Hopefully I can put this behind me and focus on my   a few hours with them. I can’t do it every day, but
          her brother left school early to help support the                                                I love that time.” She also points out that it helps
                                                          business and begin the expansion project.”
          family, she was lucky enough to complete matric.                                                 to have an understanding partner. “It takes a great
          Natasha was only recently able to study safety   Natasha’s business has grown dramatically from her   man to support his wife unconditionally, and not
          management and construction.                    beginnings.  Her move into construction safety and   every husband is willing to bath kids and feed
                                                          telecommunications has  borne fruit, but making   them. If you don’t have a good support system, it
          “Life doesn’t always work out exactly as you’d hoped   the leap from salaried employee to entrepreneur is
          but that doesn’t mean you can’t achieve great things   always a risk.                            must be exhausting trying to do it on your own.”
          – if you’re prepared to put in the effort.”                                                      Asked what advice she’d give her younger self, she
                                                          A year of planning                               responds instantly: “Fight harder, be stronger, be
          When Natasha finished school there wasn’t money
          to learn to drive. “I need to renew my driver’s licence   “I was clear that I wanted my own business but I knew   better.” When it’s suggested that she’s a bit hard on
          for the very first time this month,” she smiles.  “I only   that there were no guarantees that I’d generate an   herself she’s quick to explain. “I don’t ever want to
          got my first licence five years ago!”           income immediately. It took a year of planning and   have to go without again, so I fight harder. I want to
                                                          I was terrified. We have two children, and I wouldn’t   be heard.”
          It’s harder for women                           jeopardise their security, so I saved almost my entire   She admits to one legacy of the hard times. “I tend

          Today, as CEO of her own business, things have  salary for several months before resigning. This gave   to over-buy. It might be a bit paranoid, but I want
          changed  considerably. Competing  in  diverse  me a cushion and covered essential expenses until I   to make sure I have the things I need.  But I’m proof
          business sectors, her focus is on construction safety  could draw a salary from my business.”    that you can change your life. You may need to make
          consulting, safety management and telecommuni-  Asked about her support structures, Natasha says   some sacrifices, but if you’re prepared to fight for
          cations. She’s responsible for marketing and business   her  husband is the foundation she stands on.   what you want, nothing is impossible.”

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