Page 61 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 61

Touched by the spirit we hear.

                                                          The person in the principal’s office             as well as the school, high, which she sees as a place
          at the KwaThintwa School for the Deaf           Her experiences at KwaThintwa informed the       of excellence. “I have a strong belief that the Deaf
                                                          content of her PHD dissertation, which was an auto   are not different to their hearing counterparts. They
                 R MAVIS NAIDOO is the principal of the  ethnographic  study  entitled,  “The  Person  in  the   often suffer from low self-esteem, as the hearing
                                                                                                           community often puts a ceiling on their potential.
                 KwaThintwa School for the Deaf,  which is  Principal’s Office”. Mavis was awarded her PHD in
         Dbased in Cato Ridge, KwaZulu-Natal.             2013, which she completed studying part-time in   However, I believe that they can achieve as well if
          The school takes in children with a hearing loss from   two years and eight months. She explains that she   not better than typically hearing children. Deaf
                                                                                                           education is fast changing, and this rapid change
          the age of 3 to 20, from the poorest communities in   had been inspired to study further by her mother   inspires me to do more.”
          rural areas all over KZN. KwaThintwa offers full board-  who had studied continuously throughout her life
          ing and follows the mainstream CAPS curriculum.    and uncalculated in her a love for education.  Over the past eight years, the school has had a
          The school was established by Archbishop Dennis   Mavis juggles many balls and plays a pivotal role   100% matric pass rate including learners obtaining
                                                                                                           distinctions. The learners take South African Sign
          Hurley. While he on a  visit to Thintwa (meaning   in  Deaf  education.  Over  and  above  managing  the
          touched), he was touched on his cloak by an 11 year    361 learners who are full time boarders and the   Language (SASL) as their Home Language and
          old boy. On questioning why the child was not   120 staff complement, she is the deputy president   English First Additional Language (FAL). South
          at school, he discovered that there were limited   of Deaf Education Principals Association – South   Africa is the first country in the world to have Sign
          opportunities  for  Deaf  children.  KwaThintwa  was   Africa (DEPASA) and has served as deputy president   Language as a school subject.
          opened in February 1981 with 40 Deaf learners.   of South African National Association for Special   The schools 2018 Dux, Thabile Qondani, was placed
                                                          Schools (SANASA). In addition, Mavis has been    second in South Africa for SASL Home Language and
          Mavis reflected that Archbishop Hurley had been   chancellor  for  the  National  Institute  for  the  Deaf
          someone she always had a deep admiration for    (NID) and has publications in international journals.  is the first Deaf individual to study law in KZN. Other
          as he had stood up for social justice and actively                                               learners have gone on to become chefs, teachers,
          campaigned against apartheid. She said, “I couldn’t   Her passion for the school is apparent in the active  and work in IT.
          believe that he was the chairperson of the interview   fundraising campaigns that she has undertaken   A heart for the marginalised
          committee when I applied for the job.” Subsequently,   since  most  the  learners  are  from  economically
          Archbishop Hurley became a mentor to her in her   disadvantaged backgrounds resulting in minimal   “I have proved that a marginalised child can achieve
          various management roles within the school.     payment of fees. Mavis has secured millions of rands   against all odds by creating an environment that is
                                                          in funding, which has resulted in the building of   conducive  for  learning  with  committed  staff.    The
          “When I applied for the position, I had no ambition   classrooms, a library as well as a road to the school   children at KwaThintwa are living testaments to this.
          other  than  the need  to  make  a  difference.  There  is   among other much needed facilities. “South African
          never a day when I am not touched by working at the   businessmen are very generous, especially when   Mavis also reflected that she is very proud of the
          school, I often have goose bumps when I drive into   they can see tangible results,” she says.   achievements of her two sons – who she says are
          the school grounds.”                                                                             successful role models that have a heart for the
                                                          Running the school has required that Mavis acquire  marginalised in South Africa.
          She explained that she had a steep learning curve   business skills and she is grateful for the support that
          when she joined the school and went from a level one   she has received. “As a professional person, I was   If she could give advice to her younger self, Mavis
          to a level three post in a very patriarchal school. She   not prepared for a management role, however, my   would say, “Some things can be left undone. I am
          was a young Indian female who had no understanding                                               an overachiever and I don’t need to do everything
          of Zulu culture, no knowledge of Zulu language and   friend the late  Hanu Singh, showed me  the  ropes   at once.”
                                                          and inspired me for the first five to six years on how
          no Sign Language.
                                                          to run the school as a business.”                “I am very happy and content with what I have
          “I really believed that my appointment was the will   A place of excellence                      achieved. If I could turn back the clock, I would do
          of God and I trusted that his Grace would keep me,”                                              this all again. KwaThintwa is the legacy that I leave
          she says.                                       Being goal orientated, Mavis sets the bar for herself,  behind,” she concluded.

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