Page 57 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 57
I always knew exactly what
I wanted to achieve.
even buried anyone – but I did my research and this year and the Icebolethu Academy provides free
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, focused on my vision.”
of the Icebolethu Group computer lessons to high school learners, helping
Today, after only 10 years, with 85 offices, 20 capacitate them for tertiary education. “Most of their
OMFUNDO MCOYI has come a long way mortuaries and an annual turnover in excess of R250 township schools have no computers, and at the
– from township girl to teacher, to founder million, Nomfundo has certainly grown her business Academy we provide them with valuable skills for
Nand CEO of the Icebolethu Group. Today into one of the major companies in her industry. future studies and the workplace.”
she manages eight companies, employing a staff of “We also take care of the grannies, through the Gogo
more than 1000 people. The Icebolethu Group includes eight companies Feed programme, and build houses for the poor.
encompassing various aspects of the funeral
Nomfundo started with nothing, but she had a big business. In addition to burial services, they cover We’ve just handed over a new house in Escourt, and
dream. She knew she wanted to own a big funeral funeral policies, tombstones, catering and loans. we’ll hand over another in Cato Ridge in December.”
company. Giving up her teaching job and a regular Nomfundo’s charity, the Icebolethu Foundation, is I would love to do more
salary, she started Icebolethu with no loan, no particularly close to her heart.
car and no mortuary. All she had was her meagre Despite her achievements, Nomfundo is not com-
savings and small office in an old, run-down building “My late grandmother was a remarkable woman placent. “I’m proud that I’ve achieved so much of what
in Hammarsdale; working her side-hustle to fund her and a great entrepreneur for her time. She was I set out to do, but I would love to do more. I’d like
core business. fierce, focused and determined, and she ran my to double our staff complement over the next year,
grandfather’s business when I was a child. I always and within 10 years I want Icebolethu to be one of the
I had the vision
wanted to be like her.” Nomfundo relates how greatest insurance companies in South Africa.”
Nomfundo sees her role as making sure that her her grandmother was also a very giving woman,
When it comes to finding a balance in life, Nomfundo
companies run smoothly, are well managed, and who went out of her way to care for people in her
looking after her team. She has always relied on her community. “My foundation was inspired by her and acknowledges that she’s not very good at it. “I love
faith and her team to grow her business, and gives giving back to the community is my way of paying my job and I’m very hardworking. I have a great
credit to God. “There were times when I had no-one respect to the example she set for me.” team, but I’m still hands-on. I do find time for family
supporting me, and my only hope was in God, and and friends, that’s very important. I love to travel,
He has blessed us with so much and supported me Making a difference usually with my family. It’s not only a great holiday,
all the way. And He has graced me with a very good The Icebolethu Foundation has several active it’s a great way to grow your knowledge, broaden
team,” she says. “I had the vision, but my team has projects, but Nomfundo is particularly proud of the your mind and see new opportunities.”
always been very supportive of that vision; without Rhoda Girls project. The foundation has ‘adopted’ Looking back over her career, there’s not much
my people I would not be where I am today.” 50 girls to mentor for the next five years. These girls Nomfundo would do differently. “Being a woman has
Nomfundo had no experience in the funeral business, attend courses and camps, and the foundation pays never held me back,” she says, offering sound advice
and no mentor to guide her. Instead, she looked their school fees. Nomfundo is personally involved to other young entrepreneurs. “I don’t apply gender
to her opposition – the major funeral companies. in the mentoring, and as she puts it, “We’re trying to business, you must just be excellent at what you
Nomfundo relates how she watched them to see to create fifty more Nomfundos of the future; girls do. Focus on your goals and your vision and don’t
what they were doing. “I never looked at the small who have the skills and the confidence to go out and take shortcuts, they’re not the answer. Don’t expect
companies. I always knew exactly what I wanted to create businesses and employment for others.” people to hand you anything on a plate just because
achieve: I wanted to own a very big company, so I Education is one of her major focus areas, and the you’re a woman, or just because you’re black. Don’t
measured myself against the biggest and the best.” foundation sponsors the cost of university education just chase money. Work hard, be professional and do
“It’s been a long journey. It wasn’t easy and it took for 18 girls. The Back to School programme has things the right way, and for the right reasons. Just
perseverance, focus and determination. I’d never provided school uniforms for 1 200 school children be excellent; that’s the key.”