Page 59 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 59

Education is power, you need to start as soon as possible,

                                              find your purpose and work on that.

          Independent Entrepreneur                        sufficient and become independent. Consequently,   involved dieticians, fashion designers and fitness
                                                          she says she has lived mainly on her own and started   workouts. “I am passionate about empowering
                   ICAELA FAITH MEYER is a multitalented  working when she was only fourteen years. “This has   people through living a healthy, active lifestyle,
                   independent  businessperson  and  entre-  driven me to be ambitious, strive for great goals and   and this became the reason for my involvement in
         Mpreneur in several activities, mostly  set high standards for myself.”                           lifestyle events,” she explained.
          related to the health and fitness industry. A qualified   Another  person  who  has  been  an  inspiration  for   Success depends on the individual
          personal trainer, Micaela instructs groups and indi-  Micaela in  business and  life is  Rolene Strauss,  a
          viduals in Pilates, ballet and yoga. In addition, she is a   former Miss South Africa winner as well as the Miss   In Micaela’s view, women and men should generally
          dietician and nutritional therapist.                                                             have the same approach to business. “Women
                                                          World in 2014. Rolene inspires Micaela because she   do  however  need  to  be  a  bit  more  subtle  and
          Along with being an event planner and coordinator,  has done much to empower many women through   more focused on personal relations, rather than
          Micaela does marketing on behalf of organisations  giving back to the community and uplifting people,   just financial wealth,” she says. In addition, Micaela
          and does business networking, mainly through the  especially women, though her various organisations   believes that women have the same ambition and
          Upper Highway Pure Lifestyle page.              and by her general example. “I share Rolene’s values   drive as men in the business world and that success
                                                          about health, business, and life,” commented Micaela.
          An independent, self-sufficient woman                                                            depends on the individual.
                                                          More than a fitness instructor
          Micaela is an unusually self-sufficient person, who                                              In reflecting on her achievements, Micaela says
          has had to help herself to get to where she is today.  Micaela started her working career by working for a   that she is happy to have reached the place where
          She remarks, “Nobody really helped me, I mostly  non-profit organisation in the Drakensberg. “At least   she is, and also happy about where she is going.
          had to work things out for myself. I built the right  in part because I loves being outdoors in nature, and   “There is still much left that I want to achieve, and I
          connections to get where I am today by following  I am an adrenaline junkie,” she commented.     have big things planned for 2020, especially in terms
          my passion along life’s unpredictable paths.”                                                    of event coordination.”
                                                          In so doing, Micaela immediately realised that she
          She has had to recognise or create her opportunities  wanted to work with people and empower them.   She is planning and organising a major lifestyle
          and describes these as “blessings aligned with her  She decided to get involved with the health and   expo to take  place during  October  2020 at “The
          purpose”. She adds that enjoying what she does has  fitness industry, and studied aromatherapy, nutrition   Venue”, a wedding and conference centre in the
          also helped her along the way.                  and completed several other courses.             Shongweni area.

          Micaela’s independence started at a very young  Micaela worked at Cotswold Downs where she       Micaela believes that she has achieved a work-life
          age. Her father works for non-profit organisations  did personal training, and instructed yoga and   balance even though work is her main focus. “I enjoy
          internationally. This work takes place mostly in rural  Pilates groups. A position at Fit 24 Gym in Waterfall   most things considered as work, like instructing
          communities where he participates in community  followed, where, in addition to instruction classes,   Pilates, ballet, and yoga. I instruct and work out every
          and social development initiatives and makes  she undertook marketing for the gym as well as     morning and evening, but make sure that I have time
          participatory videos.                           small businesses in the area. Micaela worked closely   for myself – I usually rests on a Sunday.”
                                                          with Strut Active, an active clothing brand offering
          Her mother is a paramedic. Micaela says of her, “She is                                          There are no limitations
          the hardest working woman that I know. Regardless   swim and dancewear. Along the way she also   If she could go back in time and give her younger
          of her age, she works 24/7. My mother is more of an   managed the DMA gallery and gained experience   self advice, Micaela would confirm that there are no
          inspiration to me than anyone else.”            dealing in art.                                  limitations to what she can do. She would add that
                                                          During 2018 she started doing event planning and
          Micaela adds that her parents were “very hands-off”                                              “Education is power, you need to start as soon as
          meaning she had to grow up very quickly, be self-  co-ordinated a big event at Cotswold Down that   possible, find your purpose and work on that.”

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