Page 53 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 53
Women have the ability to remain calm in the face of storms,
are collaborative in nature and are able to pull people together.
banking sector where she worked for seven years together. Women can achieve the ‘impossible’ when
Chief Executive Officer, as business process engineer, business analyst and they believe in their ability to achieve the same goals
of Thebe Unico
project manager. Following which, Honey served as as their male counterparts.”
a senior energy consultant and director of operations
ONEY MAMABOLO is the chief executive for Energy Solutions Africa, focusing mainly on energy She urges young women not to be afraid of new
officer of Thebe Unico (Unico), an automotive policy design, implementation, transaction advisory, challenges and to realise their full potential. “I have
Hand industrial chemical manufacturer and a learnt that challenges and failures are part of the
100% black owned subsidiary of Thebe Investment donor fund management, and market transformation. journey to success. In every challenging situation, I
Corporation (TIC) with a 54-year history of manu- This background led to Honey’s role as a development always tell myself that this too shall pass.”
facturing quality chemicals for the automotive and financier at the Industrial Development Corporation We Rise by Lifting Others
other industries. (IDC). She managed two renewable and energy
efficiency funds with a combined fund value of Honey is happy with what she has accomplished in
Unico is a leading manufacturer and supplier of engine R 1 billion and participated in corporate and project her life and she is grateful to God for bringing her this
coolant and brake fluid for the Original Equipment far. She reflects that her current leadership role brings
Manufacturers and after market, including oil majors. finance deals. her much satisfaction as she knows that she can have
Prior to being seconded to Unico as CEO, she served
Honey serves on the Drakensberg Boys Choir School as senior manager corporate finance and business a positive impact on the lives of many people. “I am
board and until June 2019, she also served on the development at TIC. an industry leader responsible for the prosperity of
boards of Sekelo Oil Trading and Thebe Solar Energy our organisation, impacting many families through
Holdings. Honey is a member of the Durban Chemical Honey believes that in today’s complex business the provision of employment and mostly providing
Cluster Executive Committee and chairs the Skills and environment – diversity, agility and the ability to support to the industry through our products while
Transformation Desk. She is a member of the Gauteng connect and leverage others to form long lasting contributing to the economy.”
Innovation Hub Management Company’s Investment and sustainable partnerships are key to one’s However, she says that there is always more to be
Committee. success. She is passionate about education, people achieved. “I am at a stage of life where transformational
development, emerging markets, development
It takes a village and inspirational leadership is critical, and I am looking
finance and entrepreneurship. Her mantra is “Hard to develop more leaders and empower others through
Speaking of her life journey, Honey commented, work beats talent when talent does not work hard”
“It takes a village to bring up a child – my journey and “Never look down on someone unless you are my influence, networks and example. I believe strongly
that we rise by lifting others.”
started in Lebowakgomo, a township 55km outside helping them up”.
Polokwane. My parents were passionate about Embrace Life with its Challenges A Welcome Respite
education and made a lot of sacrifices to ensure that I Honey strives to ensure that she achieves a work-
got a good education. In addition, I was inspired along When asked who or what inspires her, Honey said, “My life balance. “Outside of work, I am an avid golfer
the way by teachers, both in primary and secondary mother, who came from humble beginnings and is a and runner (road and trail). I also dabble in antique
school.” retired Educational Psychologist, who achieved a PhD furniture remodelling and painting. I find that these
in Early Childhood Development whilst on pension is
“The greatest impact on my life was at university my motivator and role model.” activities provide me with a welcome respite from
– where I will single out our Head of Chemical the pressure and stress that comes with the role. I
Engineering Professor Uys Grimsehl and the late Prof Honey added, “I am Inspired by people who embrace also spend my spare time with my husband, teens
Tolmay – who were relentless in ensuring that we life with its challenges and who are able to thrive in and extended family just relaxing. I have a strong
delivered excellent work.” the face of adversity. People who against all odds rise cheerleader in my husband and my helper of 15
to unimaginable heights.” years – without whom I would not be able to fulfil
Consequently, the environment at the university my executive role.”
ensured that she thrived. Honey qualified in 2000 as Reflecting on whether women have a different
one of three first black female chemical engineers approach to business than men to get to be If Honey could give advice to her younger self, she
from the University of Pretoria. successful, honey is unequivocal in her answer. “Most would say that it is necessary to embrace failure as
definitely, there is power in diversity. Women have the an intricate part of success. In addition, says Honey,
Diversity, agility and the ability to connect
ability to remain calm in the face of storms and are “To have more faith than fear and mostly to be
However, her early career was spent in the retail collaborative in nature and are able to pull people compassionate and kinder to self.”