Page 49 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 49

When you look at business through a sustainability lens,

                              your thought processes, decisions and actions change.

                                                          a business, a church organisation, or even your  because they look different or speak a different
          Group Company Secretary,                        personal life.                                   language.”
          at Grindrod Limited
                                                          “You need to consider how you are positioned in the  Asked whether she believes women need to act
                 s group company secretary at Grindrod  bigger scheme of things,” she points out. “How do   differently to men to succeed in business, she points
                 Limited, Cathie heads up governance,  you impact on your community, your social environ-  out that we are inherently different, and need to be
         Awhich she explains as helping make sure  ment and certainly your natural environment?”           true to ourselves. “Don’t try to be something you’re
          the company does what it’s supposed to do, and   “When you look at business through a sustainability   not.  But nothing is impossible just because you’re a
          jokes that her job is to try and save the world.  lens, your thought processes, decisions and actions   woman. Yes, sometimes physical strength can be a

          After completing her legal degree, Cathie lectured  change.” Using the example of buying a business,   limitation, but use the strengths you have.
          in law which she loved, but after five years  Cathie argues that instead of considering the  I’m  encouraged  to  see  the  rise  of  women  in
          she decided there had to be something more  financial ratios, businesses should consider the value  traditionally  male  roles.  And  here  at  Grindrod  we
          out there. She went into private practice, and  creation in a wider context. “We have a significant  actively encourage women to follow the path they
          started her articles. “The timing wasn’t great,” she  unemployment problem in South Africa, and should  want, and we do have women boiler makers and
          remembers, “my daughter was only two months  be considering whether buying that new business  truck drivers.”
          old.” Nevertheless, she  completed her articles and  has the potential for real social impact, like job   Build resilience
          qualified as an attorney and conveyancer, going on  creation or opportunities for upskilling staff.“
          to start her own firm.                          For Cathie, it’s not just about your employees or   Cathie is very grateful for what she’s achieved so far.
                                                                                                           “But I know we are all the sum total of the graces of
          Undaunted by change, Cathie’s next move was into  business partners; she strongly advocates considering   other people.  I’ve had a charmed life, with a happy,
          the corporate world, working as head of legal services  the impact of decisions on wider communities. “As   secure childhood, wonderful parents and very few
          at a steel company before moving to Durban to join  corporate citizens, we need to acknowledge that   concerns, but I do warn my children that life is tough.
          Grindrod. “I have a wonderful job,” she says. “It’s a  no man is an island, and everything in life is about   We need to build their resilience so they can cope
          great  company  and I  get to influence  the agenda   relationships. We need healthy relationships to   when they have to face life’s challenges.”
          and make sure things work. And I meet wonderful   prosper. And this extends to the natural environment   And while grateful, she’s certainly not satisfied.
          people every day.”                              too.  We have a responsibility, not just to limit negative
                                                          impact, but to go further and create a positive impact.    “We’re messing up the environment at such a scale
          “Yes, I do sometimes take minutes,” she smiles,   And there are companies getting this right.    that I suffer from climate change angst. (It’s a real
          “but it’s so much more than that.” It’s Cathie’s job                                             thing!)  It’s messing up people’s lives, with a huge
          to make sure that the board meets their legal and   Our planet has finite resources, so we can’t just create   impact on agriculture and health, and I aim to make
          regulatory obligations, but she also has wide-ranging   a production and consumption economy, we have   a real contribution.
          responsibilities.  In effect, she is part of the company’s   to use what we have with better impact.  Growth in   But despite my climate change angst, I’m a positive
          conscience when it comes to ensuring corporate   value is not just financial, value needs to be relative   happy person, and I have a good work-life balance.
          integrity matters more than short-term profits.  to society, people and the environment too.”    I love my job and I love to work. But I love to spend

          Looking at business holistically                Cathie  says  she’s  inspired  by  many  people,  but   time with family and friends, play with my dogs, and
                                                          highlights Angela Merkel as “uber-cool”. “She’s   swim in the sea too. Or just waste time on the couch.”
          “I’ve always had an understanding that we need to   shown remarkable leadership, faced difficult
          do better; both as individuals and organisations,”   challenges, and dealt with difficult people, calmly   Try your best
          she says. “I love my corporate governance role, but   and  tenaciously.  She’s  been  instrumental  in  If Cathie could give her younger self advice it
          sustainability is my greatest motivation.”      fundamental shifts in the way people think and  would be this: “Don’t take yourself too seriously
          Explaining that while traditionally we have always  understand  the value  of caring for  people. She  and  keep  your  sense  of  humour.  Relax.  If  things
          evaluated business in financial terms, we need  believes that everyone is entitled to a piece of the  aren’t perfect don’t lose sleep; just try your best
          to look  at any organisation holistically, whether  sun; that you don’t discriminate against people just  and if you fail, try again.”

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