Page 47 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 47

You are enough as you are, your past will not define your future.

                        The future is as good as you will choose it to be for yourself.

                                                          clear on a goal you want to achieve and implement   In commenting on women’s approach to business
          Divisional Finance Director,                    a plan that you will follow.”
           for Unilever – Africa                                                                           Mpume says that human  beings are born  to live
                                                          Storytelling moments                             their purpose, which is often displayed through
                   PUME LANGA lives by the motto “Life is   Mpume  says  that  her  inspiration  to  succeed  has   their  choices  and  behaviours.  “When  the  purpose
                   Beautiful” which is that of living life free   come from her mother whom she lost over 20 years   is starved, the soul will live in destruction. Women
         Mfrom fear and doubt.                                                                             tend to be more in touch with their emotional side,
                                                          ago. “She raised three daughters on her own during   which is where the soul sits, leading to them living
          Being an accomplished business executive,  the most trying times in South Africa. My mother      more aligned to their purpose.
          Mpume has had over 20 years’ experience in  always shared her dream and life lessons with us
          strategy, leadership and portfolio management in  during storytelling moments. Her dreams somehow   People with purpose make fair, ethical and dedicated
          the financial services industry. She holds several  became my dreams onto which I built my future.”   leaders, which is what the world has come to realise.
          qualifications  in finance,  marketing and  executive   “My mother’s passion to serve her community and   Based on this premise, women look at success and
          leadership from various universities in South Africa,   her village in Watersmeet with the very little that she   business in a more sustainable way, which is how
          China and United Kingdom.                                                                        they tend to approach business and social activism.”
                                                          had, instilled in me that there is always something
          Looking back to see how far she has come, Mpume  to share with your neighbours to make their life a   Seeking solutions
          said that she  set  her  heart on becoming  a  bank  little better than what it was yesterday. My mother   Mpume says that looking from where she has come
          manager after she got into United Bank on a  supported many other families just to give them a   from, she is happy with her accomplishments, and
          learnership  programme.  After  several  junior  roles,  chance of a better life, if not for themselves, then for   still looks forward to more to come. “I would really
          Mpume has fulled management roles in a number  their children.                                   like to be more involved in areas that influence the
          of different banks. She was the first African woman   I continue to live my life under her influence and   social structures of Africa to seek solutions to move
          to be appointed head of ABSA Private Bank KZN and   hope to be able to share a bit of me with those who   Africa to be an economically thriving continent. The
          more recently was regional executive of Bidvest   can benefit from it.”                          potential in Africa needs to be realised sooner rather
          Bank, KZN.                                                                                       than later. It is a big ambition and hope that I will
                                                          In order to help make her life and her mother’s life
          Mpume is a member of The Institute of Directors   better, Mpume started working from an early age.   be able to make it a reality. I believe that the future
          SA  and  holds  non-executive  directorship  positions   Her first business was selling sweets and ice lollies.    leaders required to make this happen are feminine.”
          on several boards in South Africa.  She sits as the   Mpume learnt to speak English and how to operate   Mpume is married to Ndabo Langa, and they have
          chairperson of Women in Business at the Durban   a computer in her teens; was runner up in a beauty   two children, an eleven-year-old daughter and a
          Chamber of Commerce and is the former regional   pageant and won a modelling course. “Modelling   nine-year-old son. “I love life and count at least one
          chairperson of the Businesswomen’s Association of   made me think I was not good enough. This allowed   blessing every day. I have been blessed with good
          South Africa.
                                                          self-doubt to get in the way – and fear. I reached a   children, family and friends in a beautiful country.
          Her passion for business transformation is evident  really low point in my life and almost ended it, but I   When I am not working, I am in nature, with family
          in the successful implementation of turnaround  was helped out of this pit of despair by the man who   and friends – on a hike, a road trip or somewhere I
          strategies for various businesses at start-up and  was to become my husband,” she explained.     have not been before. There is so much I still need to
          corporate  levels.  Mpume  has  developed several   Mpume attended school from the age of four, but   see and discover in life, and my spare time is spent
          leadership development programmes for local and   had to walk for miles, and take a bus, to get there.   seeking those adventures.”
          multinational organisations in line with their business   “Once when I got lost, an old lady of 80 helped me   If Mpume could advise her younger self, she would
          growth and talent retention strategies.                                                          say: “You are enough as you are, your past will not
                                                          find my way home. There have always been people
          She is also an active driver of woman and youth  in my life who have helped me to overcome my fears   define your future. The future is as good as you will
          empowerment. Her advice to young people is “be  and find my way home.”                           choose it to be for yourself.”

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