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Young Minds Speak Article
Today the majority of people in most of the developed "Competence is demonstrated, not certified”. The
world get more than a half of their calories from word competence is increasingly being used in almost
processed, fast and fake foods. The fast food health all spheres of life. Be it education, business,
risks are shocking. And it's getting worse day by day. management so on and so forth. It's a description of
The global fast food market is growing. The demand one's ability, a measure of one's performance,
for packaged foods is predicted to increase as well. knowledge, skills as well as behaviour, which allows
Fast and processed foods can harm your health in a us to do something successfully. A competent person
very destructive manner leading to diabetes, obesity, seizes every opportunity to encourage skills for which
as well as premature cardiac diseases, cancer and he takes every measure to improve his own practice.
more. But at same time having fast food occasionally Only such a person can win the hearts and minds of
or once in a blue moon is not harmful. Getting others. He understands the importance of developing
addicted to it or having it regularly can destroy your oneself by providing support to others, maintaining
health. But every problem has solution and solution high standards when carrying out all duties and
for this problem is promoting good health and making responsibilities. He should be cautioned and prepared
people aware on what to eat and what not to eat and for all the problems. With the passage of time
guiding them to lead a healthy lifestyle. Here are few competence usually increases as we acquire more
guidelines to lead a healthy life:- Adopt concept of information and ability through inquiry, observation
healthy plate rather than prior food pyramid .50 and participation .when we feel Competent, we can
percent of the plate must consist of fruits and greet new environments with calm and confidence.
vegetables with remaining portions for whole grain Our competency helps those around us to feel more
and lean proteins. comfortable and secure and it inspires them also to
keep their head in a crisis, sticking with a task even
Ÿ Follow a healthy eating pattern across the life span. when it seems hopeless with determination and being
Ÿ Focus on variety, nutrient density and amount. prepared for anything. No human being will work hard
Ÿ Limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats at anything unless they believe that they are working
and reduce sodium intake. for competence...
Ÿ Include small amounts of nuts and seeds, fruits and
leafy vegetables in your daily diet. So, the future belongs to the competent. It belongs to
Ÿ To enjoy the glow of good health one must do yoga those who are very good at what they do.
and exercise.
Aman Aadarsh
At last I would like to conclude that "HEALTH IS
B.Sc., 2 year.
REAL WEALTH". Thus every person on this must
take care of their health for a long and joyful life.
Mansi Dewan
B.S.C, 3rd year