Page 2 - Training Manual Port City Realty Updated
P. 2
25.Summarize what you feel you’ve learned or accomplished this week in writing and email to your mentor with a copy to your broker via e-mail each week for the first 8 weeks.
26.Log on to Sign up. Update your profile.
27.Learn how to search for information on the MLS. Make sure to search by various criteria. Learn what the most common searches are and discover how to do those first. Then learn how to do other searches that my come
in handy when working with buyers or finding “comps” to do a CMA. 28.Familiarize yourself with the tax search section. 29. - learn to search
map using key info
30.Go to and get familiar with the web mapping
31.Set up your personal information in the MLS set-up section
32.Click on the different sections of the MLS from the main page and see
what information you can get directly from the MLS. Learn how to access your company’s Web site and familiarize yourself with the various pages and features of the site.
33.Go to Create an account. Go to Help & Support. Click Getting Started Matrix and watch the video.
34.Offer to set up houses to show for a fellow agent
35. Make appointments to visit 5 vacant houses a day (company listings first),
and take notes as you preview 36.As you preview houses
a. Logyourfeelingsorperceptionsofeachhome’splusesand minuses
b. Writedownyour“gut”feelingofwhatyoubelievethesellingpriceof each home will be and why you feel that way
c. Be sure to check your price with the actual selling price when the home sells.
37.Create a Facebook page. 38. C
39.Create an account and sign on to and make an account. The NAID# is on the quip. Get familiar with the site.
40.Create an account and sign on to and make an account. Get familiar with the site
41.Create an announcement and mail/email/facebook to members of your sphere of influence, whether they live in your local area or not. Remember, you can send a referral to agents almost anywhere.
42.Role play showing a house.
43.Perfect doing searches on computer & Learn the Prospect Function 44.Pick a farm area and familiarize yourself with the properties in the area. 45.Drive through the area before finalizing your choice. Decide if that farm
area is a place where you’d be happy working with the folks who live
reate your business card. You want to have the website domain name,
email address that you are going to be using in real estate and a good
picture before you design your cards. I use