Page 1 - Training Manual Port City Realty Updated
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1. GotoBoardofficeandjointheBoard&MLSandgetlockboxaccess.
2. ScheduletoattendclassesforMLS
3. SignupforPostTraining&doyouPostTraining
4. Setuparealestatee-mailaddress&aprofessionalrealestatesignature
5. ProgramyourvoicemailtoidentifyyourselfwithPortCityRealty
6. Turnintotheofficeyourpersonalinformation–address,phonenumbers, e-mail address, license number of your car
7. LikePortCityRealty,PortCityRealtyNorth&PortCityRealtyDowntownon FaceBook. We will be adding you to our private page.
8. Enterthecompany’sagent’snames,number&emailintoyourcellphone & email contacts
9. Setupyourcompanydropboxfolder.Wewilladdlotsofgoodmaterialtoit
10.Download the dropbox app to your phone and/or tablet
11. Your company Dotloop has been set up for you. To start familiarizing
yourself and for training go to:
12.Download a pdf scanner (I use CamScanner) to your phone and/or tablet 13.Get a professional picture
14.Sign into your website.
Update your profile and familiarize yourself with the site and back office. It’s advisable to buyer a quick, easy to remember domain name and point it to your site.
15.Create a mailing/email list of friends and family (a sphere of influence) 16.If new make appoints to visit 5 houses a day (first company listings), which
are vacant and take notes as you preview
17.Decide on an organizer to keep track of schedule. Note: you may use a
“hard copy” or paper organizer or a computer organizer like the google
calendar. The key is to have a method to remain focused and organized. 18.Update your facebook, Instagram, Trulia and other social media site with
your affiliation
19.Call, email or facebook at least 5 people and let them know of your
affiliation each week.
a. Makesuretomakethecallpersonableandfriendlyandkeepnotes
b. abouttheconversationthatyoucanrefertowhenyoucallthem
again in the future - Be sure to ask them for a referral or if they need real estate help or know of anyone looking to buy or sell property in the near future.
20.Start or work on improving on your Online Identity*
21.Start planning your own niche, specialty and/or area.
22.Familiarize yourself with the forms on Dotloop and in your dropbox. 23.Read 5 real estate articles from Realtor Magazine,, Inman’s,
Active Rain or any other real estate magazine or website each week. 24.Attend broker’s open houses whenever possible.