Page 3 - Training Manual Port City Realty Updated
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there. You’ll always do best working in an area you’d be comfortable living
46.Take pictures of the farm area. Get information on the pros of living in the
47.Role-play how to answer incoming buyer calls.
48.Practice filling out contracts on properties you have previewed and role
play presenting the offers. Make sure to familiarize yourself with all the
49.Meet with a lender to understand the mortgage process
50.Create a blog and connect it to your Facebook page.
51.Create a blog post about your area. It is acceptable to post listings from
other Realtors at Port City Realty.
52.Create three different postcards for your farm area. Send postcards to 1.
owner occupants, 2. absentee or investor owners 3. farm area tenants.** 53.Set up your MLS Hotsheet and make sure it includes your farm area.
Check your Hotsheet at least once everyday. More is better. 54.Prepare a market analysis on your personal house.
55.Practice filling out a listing agreement on your house and role play listing
the property. Make sure to familiarize yourself with all the paperwork. 56.Create a FSBO marketing package.***
57.Call, email or facebook five members of your sphere of influence a day.
a. Makesuretomakethecallpersonableandfriendlyandkeepnotes
b. abouttheconversationthatyoucanrefertowhenyoucallthem
again in the future - Be sure to ask them for a referral or if they need real estate help or know of anyone looking to buy or sell property in the near future.
58.Continue to preview vacant properties and check the status on properties already previewed.
59.Drive around and drop off at least 20 FSBO packages each week. 60.Keep track of where you are leaving the packages. Write down the contact
info on the sign. Follow up with a phone call to make sure they saw the package. Write down what you are going to say and have the words in front of you. Practice a few times before you call. Do not solicit the listing, just ask them if they found the package you left and tell them to contact you if they need anything.
61.Check the FSBO websites for FSBOs and contact the FBSOs on the sites. 62.Work on website, blog & Facebook page.
63.Expireds - buy a package of note cards for hand written notes and/or order
some postcards. Start checking the Expireds in your farm area on the
hotsheet every day. Send notes or cards to Expireds sellers daily. 64.Pick at least two community activities to get involved in. Choose activities
that you enjoy. You might choose a charity, club, association, or group
a. Thepurposeofgettinginvolvedistogiveofyourselfwhileyouare increasing your sphere of influence and creating relationships that
will refer business to you in the future.
b. Youmusthaveabalanceinyourlifetobesuccessfulinrealestate.