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P. 11

ITALY 2020

        from all over the world every day, which I appreciate greatly. I   probably drive you insane.
        miss my darling lady so much it hurts! I miss being close to her.   •   Do the jobs around the house, garage, garden that you
        I miss her beautiful smile, touch, intelligence - she’s really smart   never get time to do. Once your hands are working your mind
        and leaves me in awe of her so often! I miss her two darling kids   will stop thinking about the situation in which you find your-
        using me as a climbing frame! I had a video call with them and   self. The hours will fly by and you’ll get a sense of satisfaction, a
        the hamster of course, and they are so full of life! Great to see!   sense of accomplishment that is useful as a moral boost. It’s also
                                                              a form of exercise.
        I miss my sons and I was actually due to see them this week!   •   Don’t overdo the news or it will suck you in. I see
        I was really looking forward to going to the pub with them! I   people getting bitter and twisted because they see others not re-
        miss stopping at the coffee shop every morning for one of An-  specting the rules and behaving like idiots. You have no control,
        gela’s coffees and a sandwich and the interaction with the staff   don’t try or you will get frustrated and pissed off, just enough to
        and regulars. I miss riding my bike up in the hills. For the most   get what you need to know and walk away. The fact that you’re
        part it’s been 20degC and sunshine. CHE PALLE (oh balls in   stuck and can’t see your loved ones is bad enough, you don’t
        Italian)! On the plus side I’ve been going down to the garage in   need any more negativity to make things worse.
        the evenings and got a lot of jobs done on one of my bikes and
        even rebuilt its gearbox. Thank goodness for my work without   On a lighter note I heard a message this morning from a local
        which I would go insane! I’ve done so many hours that I can’t   psychologist’s office urging people not to call because they are
        bill for but it’s OK, I’m just grateful to have it and it keeps me   currently inundated and that during these times it’s natural to
        sane! Thank goodness too for my guitars, I must be driving my   talk to the walls. However, if they start talking back then by all
        neighbours insane!!                                   means call!! Good thing I heard this because I was actually con-
                                                              sidering which names to give the walls but on second though
        My advice to anyone entering this is:                 perhaps not.

        •      If you are with your family you are rich! You are fortu-  Stay safe and don’t mess with this.
        •      Don’t waste away in front of the TV. The reruns will   Orbs – Our Man in Italy

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