Page 15 - SAFFER 04
P. 15

A Pirate Tale

        which drove the ship aground. Men were murdered and women   choring just off shore. The lake is a short walk from the beach.
        taken prisoner.                                       The shoreline is crusty with salt particles. There are signs of
                                                              previous habitation with a stone cooking area and remnants of
        Naturally disagreements broke out between the pirates. Even-  a building. Flinders Peak is 174m high. Salt was mined between
        tually, 10 years later, Black Jack was killed by his own men.   1889-1890 with remnants of rail tracks still being visible.
        His body has never been found... Nor has the pirate treasure!
        Naturally, tales of a buried trove of riches has inspired treasure   Black Jacks Bay faces the southern ocean. Between Cape Arid
        seekers to visit the remote and lonely island.        on the mainland and Middle Island lies the safe anchorage of
                                                              Goose Island. Named for the resident Cape Barren geese. These
        Middle Island is beautiful. The stunning pink colour of Lake   magnificent birds are large grey geese and are found on offshore
        Hillier has featured in the Red Bull advertisement. It is a shal-  islands in small flocks. There are several wrecks around Middle
        low saline lake and the colour is caused by low levels of nutri-  Island. The “Penguin” is visible in the clear blue water just off
        ents and a combination of algae and bacteria.         the sandy beach. Sea lions are still to be found on the rocky
                                                              outcrops. Sea eagles fly overhead and a pod of dolphins escorted
        Coming from Africa I would expect to see flamingos but the   us into Black Jacks Bay.
        lake was devoid of all bird life.
                                                              We returned to the Duke of Orleans beach and made land-
        Access to the island is restricted as it is a nature reserve. An   fall as the sun was setting. A memorable day for our group of
        application for a landing permit must be made well in advance   explorers. A short while after that trip we were able to view the
        with the tour leader accepting responsibility for the group. We   island from a helicopter. We landed on the rocks near the beach.
        left Esperance and travelled by road to the Duke of Orleans Bay   Incredibly fortunate to have visited the island by sea and air.
        beach launch site. The sun rose as we headed off in the aptly
        named “Recheche Investigator”                         Life after Black Jack Andersons reign of terror continues with
                                                              the island still keeping her secrets!
        Middle Island is 122 km South East of Esperance. It lies 9 km off
        the Cape Arid coast. It is a long trip by sea even from the closer   Visit Maureen Dickason at
        launch site. We spent the day exploring Middle Island after an-  reen.dickason

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