Page 14 - SAFFER 04
P. 14

Black Jack Anderson

        A True Life Pirate Tale

        You do believe that real live pirates did actually live on islands   There are 105 islands in the Recheche Archipelago. The largest
        while plundering passing ships?                       of which is Middle Island. To this day the area around Middle
                                                              Island remains largely uncharted.
        Not all of them lived in the Caribbean and looked like Captain
        Jack Sparrow!                                         The pirate band roamed the southern ocean preying on passing
                                                              vessels. The pirates made their home on Middle Island. This
        Off the coast of Western Australia lies a granite and limestone   island is unique as it not only has a source of fresh water but
        island which was the home of Black Jack Anderson and his crew   also a pink salt lake. Salt was vital to Black Jack for tanning the
        of thugs.                                             sea lion pelts which the group sold to passing ships.

        In 1826 “John“ Black Jack  Anderson, an American from   The island has a long sandy beach, cliffs overlooking Black Jacks
        Massachusetts, was on board the whaling vessel “the Vigilant”   Bay which are peppered with caves and tunnels, fresh water and
        when it arrived in St. Georges Sound (now known as Alba-  a high lookout area. The perfect hideaway island for a pirate!
        ny) He was involved in a shore side brawl in the local tavern
        and was accused of murder. He fled the scene. With the aid of   Black Jack was a ruthless criminal. By trade he was a ships
        several crewmen they stole a small whale chaser vessel and fled   caulker. There are tales of him luring vessels to their fate on the
        eastwards.                                            pretext of assisting them. One method was to jamb the rudder

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