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Feeding The Monster

        working the system. Five of the children
        involved in the trip have, since 2014,
        become the proud owners of ex-working
        canal barges and have begun the journey
        of repairing and rebuilding their unique
        examples of industrial heritage. We are
        all custodians of these wonderful vessels,
        so we need to protect them.

        Since its spectacular launch the Heritage
        Boat Association has gone from strength
        to strength. Membership is constantly
        around the seventy mark and the
        majority are owners of heritage boats.
        The association has published three
        books which document the history    and boatmen.                       Joe Treacy
        of the boats and also some invaluable
        information about the men who worked   A website ( www.heritageboatassociation.  Editor’s Note: A quick reminder about
        on these boats. Over a number of years,   ie ) contains invaluable information on   the name of Joe’s series. Around 2011,
        the association has collaborated with   the individual vessels and on the Irish   Joe and his son Ben were involved with
        schools along the canal system educating   waterways system and the progress of   a film crew who recorded the trip of The
        pupils on our wonderful inland      the association. There is also a very   Rambler from Dublin to the Shannon -
        waterways system and the barges and   active Facebook page (Heritage Boat   along the then recently reopened Royal
        men that worked on it. Several books   Association) which contains a lot of   Canal. Joe started a web-forum tread
        unique to the school’s area have been   current information and advice.   to update the folk interested in the
        published and we have hosted a number                                  story. Because he had to rush off to find
        of conferences and talks on heritage   Hopefully, by the next issue an end to   internet coverage or wi-fi signals, he
        matters. With the commitment and    the current crisis will be in sight and our   would leave the action along the canal.
        dedication of the strong membership, the   wonderful craft will be allowed to move   So, he coined the phrase… he had to
        association has become the authority in   again and continue to give enjoyment to   go… to “feed the monster”, the greedy
        Ireland on the subject of heritage boats   us all. Take care and stay safe everyone,  social media monster, before it starved!

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