Page 24 - SAFFER 04
P. 24

Letters to the Editor

        Bergville, October 1983

        Hi Vossie,

        I found this photo while rummaging among my real paper hard-
        copy archives. This may be one of the very few group photos that
        includes all the trainee flight engineers on Course 1/83. This pic was
        taken during the mountain flying trip to Bergville in KZN. A good
        time was had by all.

        I hope it brings back memories.

        Joe B.

        Editor’s Note: Thanks Joe. Yes, indeed it brings back memories. It
        also makes me wonder about the lives of these lads, where did their
        paths lead? Thanks for giving me a little more background. Now,
        readers… here’s the thing… I may be one of those pretty faces…
        but, I’m not going to tell you which one! Those in the know… don’t blow it, rather, let’s leave it to those not in the know to guess!
        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

        Garlic Sauce – Par Excellence…

        Boys, men – when left to their own devices, will find various ways of amusing themselves. Making food, very far from home, can
        become creative experiences. That’s what happens when a team of Air Force lads get hungry… and/ or bored.

        The gist of the story – in the days before instant communications, technologies like TELEX were needed to send messages. The
        lads concocted the recipe but felt the desire to record their ingredients and method – for posterity. So, they roped in the telecoms
        clerk to type up their handiwork – send off the message and get a return message – which could then be duplicated at the press of a

        After all these years, Hennie still has his copy of the recipe – I wonder how many other copies survived, however – I wonder if
        Hennie has tried replicating the creation again?

         Dankie Hennie – jou elektroonise brief word waardeer!

                                                            The Last Laugh – ed-
                                                            itors usually have the
                                                            last laugh, don’t they?
                                                            After all, that’s why we
                                                            arrange to have editor’s
                                                            pages – so we can waffle
                                                            on endlessly. Yes? May-
                                                            be? Anyway, the whole
                                                            mission of this page is to
                                                            get you to submit short
                                                            snippets – or to mention
                                                            issues you would like to
                                                            clarify. However, do keep
                                                            in mind that this is an
                                                            apolitical magazine…
                                                            so, that doesn’t leave you
                                                            much to talk about. Stir
                                                            old memories, like both
                                                            Joe and Hennie did…
                                                            yes, that will be great!

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